2021 CEMENT & CONCRETE VIRTUAL FLY-IN 04/20/21 - 04/22/21
https://www.concretepumpers.com/content/2021-cement-concrete-virtual-flyREGISTER BY MARCH 5 FOR THE 2021 CEMENT & CONCRETE VIRTUAL FLY-IN |
April 20-22, 2021, 12:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m. E.T. each day |
During this event, participants will be given the opportunity to virtually meet with members of Congress and their staff to discuss issues impacting the industry, such as a long-term infrastructure bill, increased funding for developing carbon capture technologies, and other critical issues impacting our industry. During this three-day virtual event, participants will also hear from key administration professionals and congressional committee leaders on their outlook on issues impacting your company. The cement and concrete industry collectively has 600,000 employees and contributes more than $100 billion each year to our nation’s economy. Please join your colleagues as we continue to elevate our industry. Register today! To register for the event, please click the link below and follow the directions to create an account with Regpack. Once you have created your account, you will need to select “add attendee” and fill out all registration information to register for the event. |