60Ft pier holes
JohnThomas 12-13-2007
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We have to pour some 60 ft pier holes with a tremmie. what is the best method?

Bob 12-13-2007
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Make sure that when the crane is lifting the 60 ft of pipe out of the hole for you that you keep a bow in the tip hose so as not to damage your boom.

Agree on signals before the pour begins.

Communicate with the crane operator.

Have a safe pour. ;~)

Bob 12-13-2007
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When the crane is lifing the pipe off of the ground, and when he is laying it back down; make sure that he is aware that your boom does not have the speed of his load-line. He is going to need to take it slow so that you can keep up. Most boom damage is done by crane lowering the pipe at too high a speed.

typesdubs 12-14-2007
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what happened to the other post that was here?

Bob 12-14-2007
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No clue. ???

Many 12-18-2007
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Hi John,by now you'v probably figured out communication makes it all come together.One signal man (the captain) and 2 players (crane and pump) working in unison.I have done crane assist filling old mine shafts (150' pipe 250+yards) with no problems.I also try to stand in a highly visable position for both crane operator and signal man to see me.A little tip,if there are alot of people/activity around a saftey vest helps identify you if there is a problem for quick response.Pay attention,be part of the pour and that crew will love you,simple as that.