61m outlet pipe cracking
Weave 04-06-2010
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I've been having trouble with my 61m bending and cracking the outlet pipe at the end were it buttons up to the transition. We've replaced it three times now. Any thoughts would be helpful.

TooTall 04-07-2010
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Something is out of alignment or not secured & moving?

Boom Inspector 04-07-2010
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Im assuming it is a schwing 61 sx,2007 or 2008 model ?

For argument sake lets say Im correct,you have two things going on here that Schwing is most likely aware of . #1,your make up pipe between the hopper and tower is incorrect in length and #2, you need to add a few pipe holders(between transition and tower) and a special reinforcement on the pipe holder for the transition and possibly the elbow at the hopper.

Let me know if you have had any of these "updates" done to this machine.

Weave 04-07-2010
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I believe it is a 2007. Most of the extra supports were on it when we got it but Schwing sent someone out to put on the other pipe hangers. As for the wrong make up pipe we've never been told anything that i know of. With the second outlet it bent the ears so bad it created a .090" gap. The third one would open up  .020" to .040". My bar pressure has only been 300 to 325 max while pumping a state bridge mix.

Weave 04-07-2010
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We also had it switched over to a very heavy duty elbow after the 1st incident

Drew AUS 04-07-2010
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300+ Bar will fuk most things , why such high bar pressure?

If your machine is pushing 300 + Bar you should start looking at other things aswell , like why is the bar pessure relefe set so high ? Or why is it taking so much pressure to push that mix, perhapse modify the mix a little.. maybe even your plate and ring setup ?

Dunno just thinking out loud..... 

Drew AUS 04-07-2010
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Sorry thinking again lol ..... It takes me 220 bar to push the bridge mixes here (In Aust) thats with a 4.5" pipe line 300+ seems way too high ....

Sorry if im wrong but it seems megga high for my liking!

lawrence 04-07-2010
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I have ran a couple different 61 and they pressure out at 360 or 365 bar just the way schwing makes them.

2IC 04-07-2010
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drew, sorry mate you lack a bit of understanding of the mechanics of hydraulics, if you get the chance sit down with Angelo and Alex, they taught me a shit load about 68 years ago

FunnyBoom 04-07-2010
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If I'm not mistaken I believe it was Boom Inspector that worked on the 61 I am running that was having some similar issues. Does the mox project for Baker concrete ring a bell boom inspector?

Boom Inspector 04-07-2010
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Yea Funnyboom I recall that job with perfect clarity,I was still with Schwing and I had to get security clearance before I could see that pump. That job site is pretty major . Nice to know where some of our tax dollars end up ya know.

Is Keith still running that pump also down there ? He was the operator at the time and helped me alot with everything,Schwing had me add so many new pipe supports and new steel that I think that pump lists to the left when going down the road !!

Is your pump and Weaves pump the same one ? Keith would have called me directly had his pump had any more issues ,so I dont think there the same pump but im not sure ?

Boom Inspector 04-07-2010
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@Weave, about the make up pipe. A few of the 61m trucks had improperly sized make ups between the tower and hopper. To check this, first go to your manuel and find what length it calls for ,then measure your make up pipe and see if there is a difference.

But the best method is to , (and this takes some time to complete). Is to loosen all supports from elbow going into bottom of your tower to your hopper.There should be a  1/8th" gap between pipes, and there should be zero binding. All these clamps need to be able to fit properly without much effort in reinstalling the pipe clamps.

When you have established all the proper gaps measure your distance where your make up pipe belongs and deduct 1/4 inch (thats for gap).Now you have the proper make up pipe length you need in a real measurement.

For whatever reason,there is not much forgiveness in this machine model as far as pipe length goes. And if it is improper you will have pipe supports breaking and also but not so common the elbow like in your situation.

Good luck in fixing this, i know it will not be physically easy to complete but it does need to be addressed before it gets out of hand for you .

Weave 04-07-2010
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Thanks, i'll run that by our mechanic. I'm not positive but i think they might have done that when Schwing came out and added a support bracket after the bolt together clamps ripped themselves apart.

FunnyBoom 04-08-2010
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Yes Keith is still here for the time being. He is headin to another project here on site and I'm gonna stay on this one for at least the next year.

Weave 04-08-2010
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I'll have them call you. Looking at your site i'd swear there is long bracket not on mine. The one that goes from the hopper hanger to the pipe rest.

pump wrench 04-08-2010
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your right boom inspecter the 58m and 61m were breaking elbows and clamps. make ups were wrong and added pipe supports were installed.

Boom Inspector 04-08-2010
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Yea weave , that support in conjunction of the other added ones does stop alot of the vibration that is causing your elbow to fail.Its impressive the amount of force those areas receive while pumping. glad you got to look at my photos on my site to give you an idea of what I was talking about, also one other point of reinforcement in the bolted on support at the top of your transition,I did not show pictures But I have had to reinforce that area too in other machines.

FunnyBoom 04-08-2010
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Actually I think the photos you have on your site of that modification are photos of our 61

Boom Inspector 04-08-2010
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@Funnyboom,yes you are correct those pics are of that boom at the MOX project

FunnyBoom 04-08-2010
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It definitely worked. We have not had any issues with it since the modification and have pumped a lot of mud with it. As far as the pressure goes we are running between 300 and 360 bar on some of our deck/mat mixes and some of our big wall mixes. But with the pea gravel wall mixes she only runs about 160-190. It all depends on what you are tryin to shove thru that little pipe!

Weave 04-08-2010
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I looked this morning and there is bracket there but it looks real wimpy. My boss liked yours way more as did i. And they did readjust the pipeline when they were here.

Boom Inspector 04-09-2010
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Hey weave, I either talked with you or your boss yesterday about this truck,it kind of sounds like you have some hyd. pump issues also due to the noise this truck makes along with some more pipe hanger reinforcements or stronger ones needed.

 Since your truck still is under warranty you should contact Schwing very soon and talk with Jim Mielke 612-845-8286 he is the structural inspector there and he can give you some insight on what you may need to do to fix this problem and most likely Schwing will pay for the repair as it has been an on going issue for you and they are aware of this kind of problem with other 61m trucks.

As far as any welding repairs you may need to contact Adam Klein,he is a lot closer to you than I am, his link is on the left of this site under "helpful resources" he is Schwing approved inspector/welder. When I talked with you or your boss I also gave you John Abbey's info for the hyd. noise issues you are having ,he is a mechanical genius and will be able to help in that area.

Good luck at getting this fixed.

@Funny boom, I am very happy to hear that your 61m is still working out for you guys.

Weave 04-09-2010
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Thank you very much this is greatly appreciated. I'll let you know how it works out. Thanks again.