63 putz + static pump +620 ft of line
The Cat 06-07-2010
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16 CELL 06-07-2010
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sweet pics! I noticed your 63 has a four stage front outrigger whereas most of the 63's I have seen in North America have a three stage outrigger, I am curious as to why they have used two different style outriggers, does this affect the footprint at all?

Pump N00b 06-07-2010
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Did the 63 you saw have OSS(One Side Support)?

Mr wibau 06-08-2010
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what is the point of having to pumps? when you have a perfect big girl there.

The Cat 06-08-2010
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hi the four section leg doesn't change the set  up i dont think but with mine i can short rig the leg to half way out in oss aswell.. the reason there's two pumps is that the contractor wanted to do it that way.. when i arrived on site every thing had been planned i could of moved up the car park and took 200 ft off the job but had to do there way..