A Concrete Pumping Bucket Water Washout
Todd 03-19-2012
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This is cool to see. I wish it was not a double ended hose right?


The Cat 03-19-2012
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he mite of just finish'd a pipe line todd... at least there's no one hanging from it...Laughing

Todd 03-19-2012
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Your right, i bet he was doing a pipe line job.

MVCP 03-19-2012
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Loved the video! Nice set up with the concrete recycling as well! Thanks Mr. Pumpy and Todd

PUMBO 03-19-2012
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What the operator in the video is doing is just plain stupid. It's just a matter of time till he segregates the mix in his pipeline then he wont be able to suck any sponge backward nor push any concrete forward.

pink panther 03-19-2012
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Very interesting. It is much faster to just put a sponge in the end and suck it back. There is no reason for all that water. But as long as it works for him, it is all good.

ALMIMA 03-20-2012
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I agree with you "pink panter". Why waste time with all that water - just wet the ball and suck it through. And why take that risk to segregate the concrete in the boom? Maybe i´m wrong but i allways want to save time without any muddle, so i as fast as possible can go to the next pumpjob.

The Cat 03-20-2012
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( fast as possible can go to the next pumpjob ). what's one of those.. lucky get 1 job a week at the min...

mrpumpy 03-20-2012
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@pumbo: I think you didn't watch the video very good and read the text under the video. I suck back water first then let the stones fall back into the bucket and then again i resuck the water again never stop sucking.

@almina I only do this at the last job of the day. it is an other way of waterwashing. we used to empty the pump on the jobsite wash-out the hopper then drive to the shop, put a huge waterhose into the hopper and rince the boomlines.but some 16 years ago we were pumping in berlin on an underwatersite 17 meters deep and there was no big waterhose around so we had to improvise and try to waterwash in a different way. I learned by opening the pipes, they were just cleaner then with the waterwashing at the shop.

so we tried this in all variaties, and let me say it took us some time to make it work.

@ the rest of you, the video showes how I do it, never said it was the right way or everyone should do it. i Do it for 16 years now and i am happy with it. so your bashing me about it runs of my back like water from a duck. 

95schwing 03-20-2012
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suck a bucket (Seattle bucket wash) years and years, no build up at all.  Do what you feel comfortable with, but don't EVER tell me my way is stupid.  That's a small minded person that would say that.

PUMBO 03-21-2012
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These suits come in handy when unconventional concrete pumping methods are practised and exposed online.  :)


bigpumpb 03-21-2012
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i have been sucking a bucket of water for many many years and have never had any problems its what we do in the nw .but do what ever it takes to get your boom clean just get the boom clean.


ALMIMA 03-21-2012
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"mrpumpy" i didn´t mean to harm you, and i think it´s okay to use extra long time clean the boom like that, if it is the last pumpjob a day. But i´m not sure i would dare to take that risk (backpumping water) so the concrete risk to segregate in the pipe. But if it works - then it works!

bigpumpb 03-21-2012
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one thing i think some of you dont understand if he did it the way he was supposed to do it 90% of his concrete is out of his boom before he sucks back his water. before you suck back the water you go pump on intill you start spitting the mud out you do this at a slow pace once you feel you have most of your mud out of the boom then put it into reverse and suck away its that simple and done very fast.this hole procces can take less than 10min.but like i say do what ever it takes to get your booms clean do it  and be safe!!!!!!!!! also there is a few more tricks to make it easier for you good luck in anyway to geter done!!!!!

Doug 03-21-2012
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The first time I saw the trash can water wash was on an M52 in Seattle. I thought the operator was nuts. That operator was Alan Woods (Traveltech). It worked perfect, it was just different than anything I had ever seen.

mrpumpy 03-22-2012
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thanks for the support guys

Todd 03-22-2012
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I love ya MrPumpy

Trey 03-23-2012
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There is more then one way to skin a cat

kneerick 03-24-2012
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yeah Iam in danger of loosing my job because I wont stand the 58 up to suck my ball back

Vasa 03-24-2012
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Tell Your boss he dont know what he talk about ! He can mail Me if he want .