Willie60 | 11-29-2013 | comment profile send pm notify |
#1 Where is A good place to buy A vibrator? I was told A price of 643.00 dollars for A Vibco DC 500. I think thats high. #2 Waterbox. I park in A heated shop most of the time. Boss says to fill it with diesel an hydro oil an run it all winter. The shop that installed the mudcups, Said to add antifreeze an didnt say anything about changing out the waterbox. Getting enough water from the rm drivers to fill my watertank, 125 Gals, Usually takes A fight with them. Trying to get enough to fill my waterbox an prime out also, Would be out of the question. #3 Last Monday morning, The water froze in the shop. Heat went off over the weekend. My waterbox was full an my tank empty. Went to the job to pump 103 yrds. Boss nunber two was on the job with me. I bet him that I could not get 125 gals of water from all ten trucks combined. I won the bet. When I took this job, I had over 35 years of truckdriving experience under my belt. Ive seen all 48 states an parts of Canada. Rm drivers are the worst bunch of people that I have ever delt with. Local farmers have told me the same thing about them. I would rather fight with lumpers at the Detroit Farmers Market, When its ten below zero, Than to fight with A cryin, Whiney Ass Rm driver over A few Gallons of water. I deal with the same crete company on 90% of my jobs. 2 or 3 of the drivers would do anything to help me. The rest should blindfolded an given A job at the local zoo, Feeding rattelsnakes an trantulas by hand untill they cant work no more,,,,,, I cant seem to understand how they have made it this far in life working in the general public sector. Thanks for your help, Willie |
Concrete7111 | 11-29-2013 | reply profile send pm notify |
I welded in a threaded bung into my water tank then threaded in a 120 volt hot water tank element and wired it to an extension cord. It will heat my tank hot overnight. Some Redi mix plants around here will let you stop in and pick up hot water it's way easier than tring to negotiate with the drivers. You need to keep in mind that they only Cary so much water as well and they need to washout too. |
Ti-so | 11-29-2013 | reply profile send pm notify |
I heat my water tank by welding a tube to circulates my engine liquid coolant true it.Done that since the last 10 years and i didn t have any problem.when outside temp rise i close both hand valves.
xforce1 | 11-29-2013 | reply profile send pm notify |
My advice would be to show up early and fill your tanks before you leave. Thats what we used to do when we parked outside. We did make water tank heaters out of copper and plumbed them into water jackets. Our shop is insulated but not heated and have never had a problem with freezing. We change water box water everyday period and both tanks are full before they are parked! We may not have the temps you do here though. 2 weeks of constant below 30, lowest it's got in the shop was 38.
RM drivers, sometimes just b.s.ing and sliding the question in for some water is the way to handle them. they don't have to give you anything and some take advantage of that. Most of the time I can b.s. my way to some though. |
bisley57 | 11-29-2013 | reply profile send pm notify |
Maybe you could run a hose from your tank to the back end with a female water hose connection. That might soften soften the blow a little bit by not having to drag the RM drivers hose all the way to the front of the truck.We freeze very seldom here in Louisiana so I really don't know your situation well enough as far as freezing water boxes.If your jugs leak with diesel and hydraulic isn't there a chance of contaminating the concrete somewhat? |
biged | 11-29-2013 | reply profile send pm notify |
Concrete7111 is right I carry 250 gallon on my line pump I have a 1500 watt water heater element and fill the tank when I get to the shop the pipe that I fill the tank works as a vent, I just plug it in plus I have a heat trace line on my exposed piping when I leave the shop I start my generator and plug in the heat trace to it never any problems and nice washing out with hot water when its 20 degrees. |
biged | 11-29-2013 | reply profile send pm notify |
Vibco are the longest lasting vibors on the marketI use two on my line pump one on the hopper and one under the grate, I used to use Cougar brand vibco will last twice as long mine are DC -60's about 300.00 each |
Dipstick | 11-30-2013 | reply profile send pm notify |
Here they say the only thing you need to do to become a mixer driver is to grow up.. Many of them don't even mannage that |
bisley57 | 11-30-2013 | reply profile send pm notify |
Is a vibrator really needed?I thought so for 28 years until my present employer.I don't have a vibrator and have poured some stiff mud,if it slides down the chute it will go.And my washouts are fine. |
Willie60 | 12-01-2013 | reply profile send pm notify |
Thanks for all the help, It is appreciated. Bisley57, Yes I do need A viberator. I have two grates on the hopper. You may see A pic of them on page one under hot water. Less than A 5 slump, They do have trouble getting crete through it. 7 slump is perfect but not always good on walls with cut downs or step downs. Concrete7111, I think I will heat the water in my waterbox. My wash out tank is heated with engine coolant. I've been wanting electric on the truck to run A coffee pot !!! They make submersible heaters that would be perfect for heating the waterbox, Time to talk to the Boss. Dipstick,,,, Like always,,,, Your right on!!! Thanks |