arales | 06-16-2009 | comment profile send pm notify |
our operator take the boom too much to the side of the close leg. and this haapent. when the big crane came to bring beck the pump- the piston of the leg got broke. nobody injured- thanks god! |
arales | 06-16-2009 | reply profile send pm notify |
Joe | 06-16-2009 | reply profile send pm notify |
Holy crap Batman I need to go clean my that 0 outriggers on the offside??? |
kiwi | 06-16-2009 | reply profile send pm notify |
Jamie 2 bob 1 |
any pump 2 | 06-16-2009 | reply profile send pm notify |
that operator should be jailed to pull a stunt like that.looking at second pic doesnt seem any reason why he is short rigged |
Vasa | 06-16-2009 | reply profile send pm notify |
Kiwi you forgot Me , so We are 3 ! But we will wait for you to be a member in that club . And never say never , it happends quiker than you think ! When I flipped My 46m i was standing on wooden-matts the 6:th time in the same spot , and it was no warning at all , right frontleg just disapper with the wooden-matt after 6 pour and 700 m3 and the 9:th load that day and the E-boom hit my friend and almost killed him , but He has started to work now....The A-boom stoped 0.5 meter above one Ironworker and one elicrtician.... It was My luckyday !
Jamie 2 , Bob 1 , Vasa 1 |
kiwi | 06-16-2009 | reply profile send pm notify |
hey vasa still waiting two see pictures of your pump leaning over |
kiwi | 06-16-2009 | reply profile send pm notify |
vasa i had a 32m come down in 1995, in the brewery and no i dont drink, the ground just sunk only way to get it up was to drag boom across site lift legg and start again and after putting eight sleepers and metel plate it was still going down been close a few times thou |
Vasa | 06-16-2009 | reply profile send pm notify |
I have no pic´s... It was not a good time fore me to take pic´s when my friend was unconscious and stuck under the boom... But I have on the computer on the company that other has taken , police , firedep , Swedish "OSHA" . I shall send them to My laptop so You can see them . |
Raymond | 06-16-2009 | reply profile send pm notify |
The picture looks as though all efforts were made to keep some of the road clear for traffic to pass. In an effort to make a GC happy, possibly saving him the $$ of a permit to close the street, the pump company made a decision to set up a machine that ultimately will put human error to test. So what happened? The road had be closed afterall. I would suggest using these pictures as an example for GC's that don't think it's cost effective to close a street down to safely set up pumps/cranes etc...with their outriggers deployed. I realize sometimes short rigging is unavoidable. When this happens, it really is kinda simple: Keep the big boom thingy in between two fully deployed outriggers... |
Chubby | 06-16-2009 | reply profile send pm notify |
thats still a tite corner to get by maybe a smart car could get by there but still sucks it had to happen but yea dont see any reason y he couldnt of put drivers side outriggers out but im only a lp guy so what do i know |
Chubby | 06-16-2009 | reply profile send pm notify |
taking a second look at the first pic also looksl ike he was pretty close to the power line also least it looks like a power line but we all have our mistakes |
Slinger | 06-16-2009 | reply profile send pm notify |
By the looks of it that tree kept alot of extra damage from happening. Nobody was hurt and that is the main thing, where he goes from here is the next thing. |
topgun | 06-16-2009 | reply profile send pm notify |
Is the right front extended all the way ? sure don't look like it. this was a bonehead setup. |
Parker | 06-16-2009 | reply profile send pm notify |
Vasa | 06-16-2009 | reply profile send pm notify |
A lot of good armchair quarter-backs on this site!
Special those who dont have no profile....
One had a pic without a hardhat on....
Throw rocks in a glashouse is not good ! |
C&M | 06-17-2009 | reply profile send pm notify |
here is my 10cents......l have done as bad as that, and got away with it, but got caught out one day when l had a boom straight out over the front with all legs short (back & front).... had to keep the hopper full to keep the back down, only ended up rip'n one concrete truck shoot off........ look'n back it was stupid, even for me. should of had my wife standing on the back lol. (did i mention you cant sue here in NZ....lucky for me) |
bigstick | 06-17-2009 | reply profile send pm notify |
I'm not going to defend this guy or tell him he was stupid, what I do know is nobody knows the situation until they were the operator, could have been the only way to set up for the pour. Dont make it right but I have done stupid shit and luckly got away with it. No one was hurt so now he will know better next time. But I know from experience his ass will pucker-up the next time he unfolds a boom. |
pudg | 06-17-2009 | reply profile send pm notify |
Im goin bigsticks way, but it seems as though with so much pedestrian traffic in a area such as that a little more safety precautions should have been taken,like SHUT THE F#%KN STREET DOWN !!! the way they did it should've evacuated the surrounding buildings also, so lucky the tree stopped it from goin all the way over ! thank God for trees !!! |
Many | 06-17-2009 | reply profile send pm notify |
I just had to wait till enough spoke.When are people simply gonna "nut" up and say screw you.Yes there have been questionable set ups but this is rediculus. Give me just one substantial reason why this happend and I will kiss your &*%# on the Letterman show.Looked like someone missed the balance class at school.Contractor sucked this guy into something that could have killed,NO excusses. |
jammin | 06-17-2009 | reply profile send pm notify |
no mas cemento today!lol |
pudg | 06-17-2009 | reply profile send pm notify |
Many you are rite but with the way people have been attacked here for there pics I was taking it easy,no way no how NEVER should that happen especially on a rig that size ,in my 58m days theyre out are we aint pumpin bottom line if you dont like it to fu&*n bad no concrete pour is worth risking someones life when will this get thru everyones head I know times are hard but accidents such as these only make it worse |
Many | 06-17-2009 | reply profile send pm notify |
I know and understand what your saying.It was not that I wished to attack but speak in plain truth.This is what can and will happen if simple common sense is not followed.I don't need any job as bad to hurt or kill someone. Let this be a good example of inexperience or complete disreguard to safety standards.They are in place for a reason,one thing I couldn't comprimise. A good thought pudg,thanks |
My2cents | 06-17-2009 | reply profile send pm notify |
This is a prime example of the wrong machine on this job. Looks to me like a 28 meter could have done the same job with a much smaller footprint. Maybe an experienced operator would have seen this, or just no management! |