Another Sad day
sunmas 05-14-2010
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Jimmy Rector from Aurora Concrete Pumping from Newmarket Ontario passed away suddenly last evening at Home. He will certainly be missed a great individual a great friend

All my prayers are with you Jimmy


pumpjockey 05-14-2010
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SUPER DAVE 05-14-2010
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jimmy was the best boss and friend worked for jimmy for 10 wonderfull years!!!!!!!!!!!! Dave the Frenchmen.

Christie 05-16-2010
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Jimmy was perhaps the most honorable man I've ever met in my life. I had a concrete pumping business that went sour two reccesions ago. I lost my shirt, I went to work for Jimmy briefly.

I had a lot of customers who wanted my service, but I was broke, and had nothing, no pump, no money. Jimmy turned to me and said: take that old 31m, and go back into business. I said: Jim, I don't have any money for a down payment. He said: don't worry, just take my pump, go get your customers back, and we'll work out the details later.

We never put anything on paper; he put complete trust in me, and, at the time, the pump was probably worth $200K. No down payment, no contract; a handshake and a smile.

Without Jimmy I probably would have ended up as a Walmart greeter.

Thanks to him, and JJ, I was able to raise my family, keep my house, and live a decent life.

Without the faith that Jimmy showed in me, I would be half the man that I am today.

I once asked Jimmy about how he felt about helping so many people including his competition, and he said "I don't expect to get rich, but, I'm hoping for a pretty good turnout at my funeral"

I'll be there tommorrow!

Ron Christie

pumpjockey 05-16-2010
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The world would be a much better place if that were the true measure of a person.

sunmas 05-17-2010
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hey Ron

email me me at


Boom Inspector 05-17-2010
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Nice touching words Ron,sorry for every ones loss. may he rest in peace knowing he left such a wonderful feeling with all the people's lives he touched.

Granddad 05-17-2010
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  Jimmy loved to help and teach.  Whenever I called for advice or information or specialty tools, his answer was always the same and I quote, Everything I have is yours to use son.  Brings a tear to my eye that we all have lost someone that selfless.  That silly grin and twinkle in your eye will be sorely missed.

mytfynsunshine 05-18-2010
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I'm so sorry for your loss. He sounded like an outstanding man. My thoughts and prayers are with you and the family.