Todd | 04-17-2010 | comment profile send pm notify |
Todd | 04-17-2010 | reply profile send pm notify |
murf | 04-17-2010 | reply profile send pm notify |
Not a great fan of dunnage then??????,the front n/s appears to have just the plastic pad, as does the o/s rear? |
oregonfan6285 | 04-17-2010 | reply profile send pm notify |
looks like a ralphs 58 putz in oregon but maybe washington |
Raymond | 04-17-2010 | reply profile send pm notify |
Look how clean the left rear outrigger green paint is....almost like it was hit with the 'ol photoshop paintbrush to cover up the company logo. Not that it matters. OregonFan, that's what it looks like to me too. Hope everyone's OK-- |
eugene | 04-17-2010 | reply profile send pm notify |
my guess was NW but did not want say anything. we know the ground is soaked look at the three inch water table. i would be hesident at the rear rigger location to take the load. has this guy been out of truck driving school for three weeks or what. |
zeus4712 | 04-17-2010 | reply profile send pm notify |
Another example of people deciding what happened without knowing. What you can't see is the ten feet of foam used just under the grade/concrete. Been out to this job myself, and was never made aware of the situation. No one was hurt on the job BTW. |
Todd | 04-17-2010 | reply profile send pm notify |
I think its always best to not guess what happened even if you think your right. |
zeus4712 | 04-17-2010 | reply profile send pm notify |
Well said Todd. |
TH | 04-18-2010 | reply profile send pm notify |
The pump is Ralph's. To the person who posted this, (I know who you are but will choose not to mention your name here), the next time you want to post pictures of our pumps, don't bother to photoshop airbrush our name or logo off, we are ok with it. The contractor pulled a tape and instructed the operator where to set up. He set up on what appeared to be the footing of the wall you see in the pictures. All of the outriggers were fully extended and all of the pads were used. What the contractor neglected to tell him was, that under the edge of the footing was one foot of dirt followed be ten feet of styrofoam that was under the pond that the wall is part of. When I got to the job and asked the owner of the construction company who hired us if there was foam under the outrigger he told me there was not. We, along with the L&I inspector, of course found it when we got the pump upright and dug down to find the outrigger foot. Interestingly enough he scheduled another pump company to come out a few days later to do the pour and made no mention of the foam to them either! I did, however, call them and a second disaster was avoided. If this has never happend to you, it more than likley will one day. Remember, ask the questions, make every attempt to find out what has been done on, and under, the ground you are about to set up on, and do not think they won't lie to you! Luckily, this time, no one was hurt. Now you all know the whole story. |
Many | 04-18-2010 | reply profile send pm notify |
If this has never happend to you, it more than likley will one day. Remember, ask the questions, make every attempt to find out what has been done on, and under, the ground you are about to set up on, and do not think they won't lie to you! Luckily, this time, no one was hurt. Now you all know the whole story. Now that's the part that makes perfect sense.I wished someone had a pic of that 52m t/t putz that went over intp a power sub station up your way.Think Portland on a x-mass eve,no injusries.Your so right,ask!! |
bisley57 | 04-18-2010 | reply profile send pm notify |
The "contractors" stupidity can be compared to being able to set up a boom pump inside the job trailer |
schwputz | 04-18-2010 | reply profile send pm notify |
TH is a good man and tells it like it is. great guy to work for. |
Rich c | 04-18-2010 | reply profile send pm notify |
Contractors!! Back in 1970 i was pumping for a nother pump company. They call us to cover a job for them at a shit plant. After pouring the wall they wanted me to pump some 4 sack over some pipes. I told then we never pump 4 sac, He said that the other company do it all the time. Now were talking 1" rock 4 sac ok. So being a smart ass kid not wanting to be out pumped i said ok. I was pumping with a 845 thomason with only 4" boom pipe. I did 1 load lol I thought the pump was going to come apart. I told the contractor i was not doing any more. So he call the company i was helping out. They showed up . Seen what i was trying todo. I thought the guy was going to wet him self. He said to me that they allways pump 4 sac! But 3/8 rock. Never 1 " . Now that i'm older i can say i have heard some wild storys what the other companys have or can do LOL. So i tell them CALL that GUY. They never do. |
getRdone | 04-18-2010 | reply profile send pm notify |
To all the critics that think its all good everytime you set your feet, even if you pic the weight of the truck up off the tires and seems all good till you get the boom in the air and then the worlds looking down on you. Anything can happen to the best of operators. I've seen the best have a bad day so before you think your better than someone else, think again. Looks safe in the pics. |
Drew AUS | 04-19-2010 | reply profile send pm notify |
Looks like the same story as the schwing last week! No matter how right you try to do things sometimes it just goes wrong! |
TooTall | 04-20-2010 | reply profile send pm notify |
Those that speculate and talk the most $hit are usually the ones that it hasn't happened to... Yet! And of course those that have never even ran a boom, let alone one that size. |
bigstick | 04-20-2010 | reply profile send pm notify |
TooTall I agree with you 100%. Until these guys operate and drive one of these 60 ton monsters like we have for years, you will never know what its like. Its kinda like the difference between my kids 75cc dirtbike and my fatboy. Same vehicle, VERY different machines. |
Mort | 04-20-2010 | reply profile send pm notify |
For what its worth, I have worked with the operator before, and I know him to be a skilled, professional, safe operator. I've talked to a few operators at Ralph's since this happened, and they all said the same thing: No one told him about the foam, and unless every pump operator carries a nuclear density gauge with them, they have to rely on what the contractor tells them. |
pumpjockey | 04-20-2010 | reply profile send pm notify |
The nuc gauge gives the density of the soil between the radioactive source on the tip of the rod that you insert into the hole you opened in the soil and the receiver. There's no telling what the density is below that. Unless you use the setting for asphalt, then it measures the 'backscatter from the surface into the soil and back to the sensor, but by no means does it give an indication of density at any depth. Even using the rod at full depth for most nuc's it's 12" or so.... |
Mort | 04-21-2010 | reply profile send pm notify |
Right, but the point is that he couldn't seriously have been expected to know that there was a huge section of foam under there unless he was told. It isn't like the dude that set up on that hollow concrete block, that was pretty obviously a dumb maneuver. |
boony | 04-24-2010 | reply profile send pm notify |
haven't comented before but been operating 4 16years now and feel the need 4 more training & better management/supervision of job sites to help stop this sort of thing happening and i do know what it feel like to tip over apump when not at fault so don't lay blame if don't know facts |