Any questions?
Concrete Pumpers Friend 08-22-2024
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Hi pumpers! I'm new to this site, but I'd like to help, if I can. I have a lot of experience with concrete pump rules and regulations, including why things are the way they are. If anyone has a question about the safety rules and regulations, I'm here...ask away.

There is an American National Standard (ANSI standard) for pumping and conveying safety. The responsibilities of each of the players on a concrete pour are delineated in the standard. It is of great help to pumping companies, because if you obey your part of the regulations, then the responsibility of a mishap is laid upon the party that didn't do their part. Pump owners and operators have different responsibilities from each other, and the other entities have their own responsibilities. The person who orders the machine, the person who tells the person where to set up, the person in charge of the pour (the Pour Supervisor), the placing crew, and the ready mixed concrete company and their drivers each have a contribution to a safe concrete pour. The responsibilities have been in place since 2014 and have been used numerous times to defend pumpers and operators. If you don't have a copy of the standard, they are available from ASME (American Society of Mechanical Engineers). The standard's name is ASME B30.27. Cost is about $50. Best $50 you'll ever spend.

Todd 06-02-2024
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Thank you. and I am so glad you are here/