mudcup 06-18-2013
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So I guess those off us that have the iPhone are SOL for the concrete pumping app. 

concreteluvr 06-18-2013
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Hey Mud. Still busy? Hope all is well in DE.

Todd 06-18-2013
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I am sorry but I phone app store sucks.

Mister_Perkins 06-19-2013
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its probably not getting done because it costs money to get it into the store and I think there's a yearly charge of $100.00 or something to keep the service going once you've submitted it. android on the other hand is a free market and costs nothing to submit an application. or it could just be todd doesn't have an apple computer to use the software provided on the apple site to submit the application (which can be Done with a windows pc but is more involved and requires special software). but ya apple sucks

baddassduramax 06-20-2013
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i think sany sux too