ALMIMA | 02-27-2012 | comment profile send pm notify |
Every linepumper has a hurting back - include my self, and i allways looking for hoses with low weight because some weeks i do 13 - 16 linepumpjobs using all from 45 m (148 ft) to 120 m (394 ft) 1,5" and 2"-hose. Lot´s of hose to carry and roll out and in, and these weeks is a backkillers. That´s why i look for hoses with low weight. I´ve tryed 5 - 6 hosemanufactures and until now i´m most pleased with ConForms "Superflex 1250" - both 1,5" and 2"-hose. "Todd" i hope you don´t see my post as a commercial post, because my point is if anyone knows any hosemanufacture who has even lower hoseweight and with a workingpreassure at 85 bar (1250 psi). I use heavy duty-couplings I don´t care about the hoseprice (they all cost about the same) or how long the hose last - my back is more important for me.
Todd | 02-27-2012 | reply profile send pm notify |
I always used 2.5 inch hose as a tip hose and had a great hand shake as well as a good back, lol youth. Conforms does make a good hose. |
ALMIMA | 02-27-2012 | reply profile send pm notify |
Hehe, my back is not a youth anymore it´s 44 year. Rest of me feels to be about 25. |
Many | 02-27-2012 | reply profile send pm notify |
2 people on the pump ? |
ALMIMA | 02-27-2012 | reply profile send pm notify |
Two people to a pump is not an option - costumer only pay for one guy to the pump. |
ALMIMA | 02-27-2012 | reply profile send pm notify |
"Biged" Do you have the homesiteadress to Olin? Nice to have 90% job using only 150 ft hose. All autumn and winter i´ve been pumping 2 or 4 days a week to the new Stockholm-arena and it´s very seldom indeed i use less than 360 ft hose - pumping 150 ft vertical. Many cubics and hours....and snow...freezingcold.. I charge every meter/feet of hose i use for a job, and it´s 40 SKR/meter (about 1.85 USD/ft) for 2"-hose. For the 1,5"-hose i charge 25 SKR/meter (about 1,16 USD/ft). I even charge pumphourfee until the ball is through and all the hose is laying near the pump - it´s up to the costumer to help carry hose and save some money. But Swedish lazy concreteworkers prefer to let me self do it - that´s why they have to pay 1 to 1,5 pumphour extra, for giving me a hurting back. |
Telealbelt | 02-27-2012 | reply profile send pm notify |
I am 60 but I charge for extra man and take a 30yr old with me. Yes my back hurts too. |
Dipstick | 02-28-2012 | reply profile send pm notify |
I also find it a strange story with the 1,5'' We rarely use it. Only to fill seams between concrete ellements but that only 1 endhose 20' and the rest 2,5'' . But you need the best grout you can get. Some factorys we refuse to use the 1,5'' because they can not get the grout ''clean'' enough. I that case we use 2'' 360' with 2'' and 1,5'' that pump must be working his ass off!! |
ALMIMA | 02-28-2012 | reply profile send pm notify |
"Dipstick" Yes, the hydraulicpump realy screem for help every stroke, hour after hour.... It´s very often i use 330 ft 2"-hose and then a reducer to 100 ft 1,5"-hose, pumping vertical 150 ft. Why i use 1,5"-hose the last 100 ft, is because Swedish lazy concreteworkers weep like a girl if they have to carry a 2"-hose. The new Stockholm-arena is a big construction, and i pump that type of pouring you describe - and i realy understand (indeed) what you mean with that not every plant can make that concrete - i´ve hammerd many hoses because of that...... I´ve got a Putzmeister P715 to do that job and it seems impossible to kill the pump. It´s not possible to use steelpipe at the Stockholm-arena - i have to move the pump so often to another sides of the construction. But when i was doing the same type of pumpjob to Kista sciencetower - 110 m high (361 ft), i used 180 m (590 ft) 2"-hose/steelpipe all the way up. That was the limit for the pump - indeed! Here it is, finished at 2010! I will later send in some photos from the Stockholm-arena |
Many | 02-29-2012 | reply profile send pm notify |
I really liked what Ed said,incorperate the cost of 2 people into price. |
Dipstick | 03-01-2012 | reply profile send pm notify |
I agree 100% with MANY.. These jobs sound like there should be 2 man on the pumps. Sure our company would insist on that with these amounts of line.. |
ALMIMA | 03-02-2012 | reply profile send pm notify |
Sorry "Dipstick", i´m the companyowner and i take all the decision. I do the all our badjob, and i do them on my own and i´ve never in my pumpinglife had a second pumper to help me. Of course i do an emergencyrun if one of my pumpers realy needs it!!! But in my opinion - a pumpjob is a pumpjob, no mater what - two people to one job is just a waste of staffhour-payment. My guys earns most in whole Stockholm - that means in whole Sweden! I pay them realy well to do all trickyjobs on their own. A pumpjob is a pumpjob - no mater what.....They nag every day, but they also know the payment and they also have many 25-hoursweek (full payment) and many easyjobs (30 M hose on groundlevel). My self do all the idiot-jobs, that they ignore. My weeks are very selldom (include meaningless - but needful paperwork) less than 70 hour a week. I have still up today never heard one good reason why there has to be two pumpers to one job! A pumpjob is a pumpjob, and thats it! Some jobs takes more time and effort - a pumpers ordinary workingweek. If a hoseriging before pumpstart takes 2 at the site 2 hours earlyer than expected - one mans job! Of course is it possitive if the towercrane can give a lift. (not to expect in Sweden) . All hose on your own in stairs (sometimes 15 levels up) or in best of case, the buildingplace-elevator. I´m 44 year, but no chance, no 20 years welltrained guy beat me in stairrunning. My kingdom! I´m the king in stairrunning, but i´m a knight under my queen at home. |
ALMIMA | 03-02-2012 | reply profile send pm notify |
I´m Sorry "Many", in the best of the world, it would be like your wish - two pumpers to one pump on the trickyjobs. But my costumer only whant to pay for "one guy who push the button"!!!??? Have i heard that before from a costumer? Yes i have! Sometimes when my mental health NOT is on top (too much work,too much few sleepinghours - week after week). I just fuck them of in the phone: "If you call for a buttonpusher - call Japan - they are buttonpushers from their birth - a concretepumper is not a buttonpusher". Sometimes do even i get angry. |
Dont need one | 03-02-2012 | reply profile send pm notify |
The last building I have just finished is just a 14 story, with 5" system for the most part. Placing boom on the core walls, then a steel structure around the cores. All the decks were lightweight concrete so no 2" hose.We had anywhere from 1' to 300' of vertical plus 200'to300' of horizontal system. We did use 4" pipe, 3" and 2-1/2 hose for the stair pans.I wish I could use 3"-2" and 1-1/5" hose on these jobs. I also finished a job a couple of years ago that was a 45 story, but anyway good luck to all you guys. |
ALMIMA | 03-05-2012 | reply profile send pm notify |
So, over to the topic in this post. Anyone who know where to find 1,5" and 2" hose (hevi duty-couplings) with low weight? The 1,5" hose i use is 15 meter (49,2 ft) and 2" hose is 10 meter (32,8 ft). |
Dipstick | 03-05-2012 | reply profile send pm notify |
We just got in some new type of 2'' hose some weeks ago.. Ill take a look when I get the chance but it will be a while before I come to the shop again. Maybe friday or monday.. The are lighter then our old type and at least just as strong.. |
ALMIMA | 03-06-2012 | reply profile send pm notify |
I can wait! just look after what manufacture it is, then i can google on their website. Do they have lower weight than 21 kg/10 meter 2"-hose, then i buy them too. |