gwillett72 06-26-2007
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have many of  you guys used backset on your hoppers , i have just discovered it and think it is awesome ,wanted to know your opinions

Seed 06-26-2007
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It is the greatest invention since the concrete pump. Look out for the clown selling it under the Shell Name!

Russ 06-26-2007
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I feel a little silly asking this, but what is backset?

Bob 06-26-2007
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JohnThomas 06-26-2007
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we have used it before. it works okay if you've scrapped a lot of the concrete off then use it on the film thats left. and it leaves a white film. i give it a C+

pumpon 06-27-2007
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to use it effecienlty you have to also use their pressure sprayer, so that it foams up the liquid ,

it only works on spots of concrete real thin concrete

you have to chip or scrape all the thick stuff , then use it on the left over

also good idea to de grease the area you want to use backset on so that it only is used to lift old concrete

its also very expensive , i think the best way would be to tarp up and pressure wash every day

butcha 06-27-2007
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dos any one us acid;it works the same and is stronger and cheaper$$!