FunnyBoom | 02-02-2011 | comment profile send pm notify |
Had a fun day today doing block fill with the 70 meter. |
FunnyBoom | 02-02-2011 | reply profile send pm notify |
Todd | 02-02-2011 | reply profile send pm notify |
so how did that go? was it a mess? any hose whippings? |
Todd | 02-02-2011 | reply profile send pm notify |
I bet the line pump guys got to love you. lol |
FunnyBoom | 02-02-2011 | reply profile send pm notify |
No hose whippings. Used the mudsnake and the hoseman actually squeezed the hose to keep it flat and control the flow. It went really well. Took all the reach she had but we got it all from one set-up |
FunnyBoom | 02-02-2011 | reply profile send pm notify |
FunnyBoom | 02-02-2011 | reply profile send pm notify |
FunnyBoom | 02-02-2011 | reply profile send pm notify |
Sorry about the clarity of the pics. When i resized them it destroyed the quality. |
Todd | 02-02-2011 | reply profile send pm notify |
In my home town we build a Century 16 theater, with 25 or 30 foot high block walls I did all the pumping with a Mayco C30, that was in the 80s. Man have we come along way using a 70m pump to do the job. I think that mayco was worth 5k. It was a 10 year old pump when I was using it. I think we charged 90.00 to 100.00 set up and 2 bucks a yard. I would love to know what you charged to pump that job, i understand if you dont want to say but I was just wondering. |
Todd | 02-02-2011 | reply profile send pm notify |
Here the picture of the theater |
FunnyBoom | 02-02-2011 | reply profile send pm notify |
I have no idea what kind of deal they worked out. It is a separate contractor on the project. They have a little mayco they bought for the block fill but had issues with it. So we set up the 70 at the end of the day and made life a little easier on them. |
Many | 02-02-2011 | reply profile send pm notify |
70m x $$$ = some pretty spendy blocks |
52putz | 02-03-2011 | reply profile send pm notify |
Great pics! Thanks! Indeed; expensive block fill. |
gboom | 02-03-2011 | reply profile send pm notify |
dont feel bad, we've done sidewalks with a 61M... |
SUPERDOFFER | 02-03-2011 | reply profile send pm notify |
It’s not the question what that pump cost. It is what the contractor want’s to spend to make that poor happen. One-day delay maybe costs more than the hire of a 70-meter. |
any pump 2 | 02-03-2011 | reply profile send pm notify |
that is one great pump I had the pleasure of seeing it in germany at the bauma show,it was set up out side boom full stretch up in the air |
16 CELL | 02-03-2011 | reply profile send pm notify |
yes!, yes!, yes! at last some pics. of the 70 in action... What's that machine like to run? is there much boom bounce? what do you use to prime out? What about setup time? (how long does it normally take to setup) I am curious to know pretty much anything about that machine :) |
FunnyBoom | 02-03-2011 | reply profile send pm notify |
The 70 is amazing. One of my favorite pumps I have ever had the pleasure to run. Just like any pump it depends alot on the mix. The first deck pour we did with it had it stretched into a building as far as it could, running at full stroke had a maximum of 8 inches of boom bounce. It was amazing. It was kind of fun doing this block fill, being stretched flat out and pumping so slow to fill all the cores but it went very well.
As far as setup goes there is alot more to it than your average pump even compared to the 63. You just get into your set routine and follow it. Unlike other machines if you dont follow this routine you have a chance of damaging the truck. Its fun to drive, takes a little getting used to backing it up as 3 axles on the trailer steer as well and can be extremely sensitive. I do not run this machine full time but have had a good amount of stick time on it and try to get as much as i can. |
Step Brother | 02-03-2011 | reply profile send pm notify |
The job this was on wouldnt let the 63 prime with grout, but I wonder if they would with the 70. Im all for water priming, but man thats alot of pipe on that thing. |
FunnyBoom | 02-03-2011 | reply profile send pm notify |
Sorry i forgot about that part. we just slick-pak it. No grout. We have never had an issue priming(knock on wood) |
16 CELL | 02-03-2011 | reply profile send pm notify |
do they send you out a support truck full of dunnage, or do you have to man handle it in place on your own? The Putz EBC really is an awesome tool. we have it on our 58Z and it's amazing how much it cuts down the boom bounce.
Awesome machine man, thanks for posting the pics. |
FunnyBoom | 02-03-2011 | reply profile send pm notify |
On this project we have some huge pads made out of six 10"x10"x5' all bolted together with three 1 1/2 bolts through all six of them. They are heavy as hell so we have the forklift bring them to us and place them under each foot. |
FunnyBoom | 02-03-2011 | reply profile send pm notify |
FunnyBoom | 02-03-2011 | reply profile send pm notify |
FunnyBoom | 02-03-2011 | reply profile send pm notify |
FunnyBoom | 02-03-2011 | reply profile send pm notify |
FunnyBoom | 02-03-2011 | reply profile send pm notify |
FunnyBoom | 02-03-2011 | reply profile send pm notify |
FunnyBoom | 02-03-2011 | reply profile send pm notify |
FunnyBoom | 02-03-2011 | reply profile send pm notify |
any pump 2 | 02-04-2011 | reply profile send pm notify |
hey mate have you had a job that you couldnt fit in to yet, because with that big monster you dont want the site forman pressurising you in to setting up . all around the world site forman are the same.( THE LAST PUMP DRIVER GOT IN THERE) lol |
Todd | 02-04-2011 | reply profile send pm notify |
That is so cool, thanks for the pictures. |
Dipstick | 02-04-2011 | reply profile send pm notify |
Todd.. You realy shoud let us upload pictures with more KB's.. This pic of the theater just hurts my eyes!!! Maybe you can delete all the pictures on posts that haven't been viewed in like 3/6 moths to make space?? |
pumper chuck | 03-30-2011 | reply profile send pm notify |
just a guess but i bet contractors treat it like a crain,nice level set up area with no obstructions anywhere near it. |
pumper chuck | 03-30-2011 | reply profile send pm notify |
Oh ;nice to see some pic's thanks for sharing. Associated Concrete in Sac. Ca is a little selfish with any pic's they may have, good to see southern hospitality. |
Dipstick | 03-31-2011 | reply profile send pm notify |
So if I understand correct this is one of the 70m that is on its way to Japan? What a shame for you guys.. Are you gona mis it? |
FunnyBoom | 04-22-2011 | reply profile send pm notify |
We missed it the second it rolled off the job. It was a great machine that was a pleasure to run. |