Boom extension
lucky phil 01-30-2011
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Got sent this photo not sure who it was but not a good idea.

mudcup 01-30-2011
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Jesus Christ I can't believe how stupid people are

Many 01-30-2011
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Trey 01-30-2011
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Looks Legit to me

Boom Inspector 01-30-2011
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This is the kinds of things operators do that generate income for guys like me ,but common sense says this kind of practice is not right for the machine nor the workers.

Mike Schroer 01-30-2011
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Wtf?  Legit?  Seriously?  It's not a flippin crane!

OE Local 3 01-31-2011
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That guy is a sharp Operator..... hang some more stuff off the tip.  Christmas tree,  lazer screed, pinball machine.  cant believe my eyes any more. must be bi-polar they tend to have risky behavior.


seedless 01-31-2011
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Yeeks hahaha a dinner bell, what the heck 2/ 10's of steel and a 20ft attached??? on the whip, yes pushing the 300lb limit I would think.

bignasty 01-31-2011
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unf#cking believable, and we wander why our insurance rates are so high !

pink panther 01-31-2011
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What a friggin retard.

Dipstick 02-01-2011
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I once worked for a compagnie where they made a 4 meter long jib for a 42m schwing.. The endhose would lay in the 'jib' and then a extra endhose again..  But even that is not as crazy as what this guy has hanging in his boom. I realy hope there was no concrete in these hoses/pipes..

Vasa 02-01-2011
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Dipstick are you sure that the company did the "jib" ? Schwing made some machine they called 42/46 , it was running one of these here in Gothenburg . But now I think it goes in Turkey , Greece or some part of "Jugoslavia"

bigstick 02-02-2011
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If you multiply the weight times the angle times the hose and pipe length you come up with DUMBSHIT!!!!!!!!!!!