Brundage-Bone Concrete Pumping, Inc / JLS Concrete Pumping
Todd 02-03-2011
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Brundage-Bone Concrete Pumping, Inc / JLS Concrete Pumping

For Immediate Release

For Further Information Contact William Snyder, CRG Partners Chief Turnaround Officer at 214 415-7167

Court Approves Brundage-Bone Concrete Pumping Disclosure Statement

 Court Sets Date to Emerge From Bankruptcy

Denver, CO February 3, 2011- United States Bankruptcy Court in the District of Colorado presided by the Honorable Judge A. Bruce Campbell approved the first amended Disclosure Statement filed by Brundage-Bone Concrete Pumping, Inc. and it’s wholly owned subsidiary JLS Concrete Pumping, Inc. (the “Company”) and scheduled a confirmation hearing for April 1, 2011. The company, Sender& Wasserman, P.C., Ballard Spahr LLP and CRG Partners Group LLC have through a cooperative effort with the equipment lenders of the reorganized company and the Official Committee of Unsecured Creditors crafted and filed a second amended Plan of Reorganization February 2, 2011.

The banks that financed equipment the Company will keep have tentatively approved the Plan of Reorganization as well as the Official Committee of Unsecured Creditors. William Snyder, Chief Turnaround Officer, stated, “This milestone, along with the support of most of the creditors assures the Company will exit bankruptcy shortly and get beyond this building downturn.”

The Plan of Reorganization significantly deleverages the Company and sets it on a course for growth. The CEO, Bruce Young stated “The restructuring of the business positions us to continue to provide superior service to our customers, growth opportunities for our employees and positions us for future expansion”.

Brundage-Bone Concrete Pumping, Inc. and its wholly owned subsidiary JLS Concrete Pumping, Inc. is the largest provider of concrete pumping service in the United States. The company was founded in 1983 and operates in over 70 cities in 17 states providing concrete pumping service to residential, commercial, and infrastructure markets.

Todd 02-03-2011
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I was just asked to post the above letter so here it is.

baddassduramax 02-04-2011
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looks like concrete pumping prices are going to go down the shitter even more, feel sorry for the little guys trying to make a living

bigpumpb 02-04-2011
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thank you mr young for all of your hard work on keeping bbcp the great company that it is .it has been tough at times to listen to all of the b.s out there and iam sure there will be alot more to come we know yellowstone is ready to send out more propaganda well the bottom line is we are HERE TO STAY BOYS!!!!!!! o and pumpers wife mike we will be here for you to.....dont beleive all the b.s about bbcp lowering the prices out there. good luck to you bbcp look forward to seeing you on my sites for years to come!!!!!  

95schwing 02-04-2011
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How is the truth BS???????

letspump 02-04-2011
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biged is bbcp the only company that has lost alot of money? NO everyone out here has lost alot of money and iam glad bbcp is getting all of this stuff behind them they are a great company to work with... and i will be also seeing them on all of my sites because they are a great company to work with.. keep up the great work bbcp... 

crete 02-04-2011
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Ed is BB still in your area? Terry

95schwing 02-04-2011
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You can't win Biged, the propaganda from BBCP has brainwashed these guys.

BIG PAPA PUMP 02-04-2011
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Say what u will about BB, but at the end of the day im just glad that i still have a job and am somewhat able to keep food an the table and a roof over me and my familys head.  Oh and i do find it funny that in a small area such as mine, where i am the only one pumping for BB that is,  that the other out of town companys are still driving an hour plus and under cutting my prices.  Just a thought.

bigpumpb 02-05-2011
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biged if you want to mix words and destort the faxs go ahead bottom line is bbcp is going to make it through all of this and be a stronger company. they even might be coming to a place near you!!!! lol i hope!!!!anyways biged i will always have bbcp on my sights they  are the best pumping company out there.. take care and good luck to bbcp the contractors choice.... no need to start anymore mixing if words with you we all need to get back to work and make have a nice life biged... 

bigstick 02-05-2011
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For what its worth, here is my two cents on the whole thing.  I have never had to compete against BBBC.  I do not have anything personally against this company, I hate to see anyone lose thier job, however I also do not see how its fair that a huge corporation can get away with not paying thier bank notes on equipment for years but hundreds of small companies file chapter 11, dont make thier payments and the bank takes thier equipment.  Its almost like some government agency that runs out of money.  They just print more money or borrow from another government agency and keep rolling. 

I know nothing about thier pricing, so I have no opinion on the price lowering thing.  But for me its just like the government bailout of Chrysler and Obama Motors, GM.  I will NEVER buy another car or truck from either company. 

I wish all thier faithful employees the best of luck, I just dont see the fairness of, if you can afford a ton of lawyers, you get to stay in business without paying your bills, when everyone else has to or go under.  Frank

bigpumpb 02-05-2011
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bigstick who is BBBC never heard about this company before!!!!

bigstick 02-05-2011
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OK there smartypants, how about Obama Concrete Pumping.  It was early posting, dark in here, kids making noise.etc.  BBCP?  Is that better?

biged 02-06-2011
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bigpumpb they are  not all of the contractors choice, Pumpco  started the mess when they when under and they are in our area just so you know, tell us why any company has to take chapter 11 is it bad management or just what, is it to get out of paying your debt, just tell me what makes a good company good to work for.

Todd 02-07-2011
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Here is how I see it. Things are the way they are and we all just need to make sure we are not working for free because it matters not how many pumps we have or how much time we have in this industry. What matters is if we are making money. If someone has only one pump and he is losing money he is better off than the guy with 10 pumps losing money. I am hopping that everyone has learned a bit over the last few years and I hope nobody is willing to work for free anymore.

As far as Brundage Bone Goes I really like Bruce Young and his team. Hell Jack Brundage was proud and arrogant and I hated seeing his example in the Concrete Pumping industry. 

Bruce and his team are a good bunch of guys and I really think they will do a good job leading Brundage Bone. I guess time will tell.

The one thing I do know is Pride comes before the fall and we have seen that a few times in this industry.

bignasty 02-07-2011
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no need to get feathers ruffled guys, hey BB guys if they have been there any length of time they know what the company they work for has done, if not their well either blind or stupid, now I hope that they start a new company wide policy of pumping for profit, I will say this, I have talked many times to their Manager in New Orleans and he is up holding his end on pricing in our area a hell of alot better than a certain company out of Orlando and our local competition.

orangeboom4u 02-07-2011
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Brundage Bone is the greatest pump company anyone could ever work for. They deeply care about their operators as ppl not just a number. They will be around for a long time. Long live Brundage Bone!


bigstick 02-07-2011
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From what I understand this company is about to downsize.  They are going to get rid of about half thier fleet.  So if they rid themselves of about 300 pumps, there goes about 300 loyal operators who not only stayed to the end, but defended the company right until they get thier first un-employment check.  Very sad.  I feel sorry for the guys who are about to be unemployed.

If I can teach any young guy anything in life in my fifty years on this wonderful planet is do NOT ever put your faith in anything other than God.  Not your boss, not the company owner, not even your wife or husband.  Have  faith in yourself and God and you will always be one step ahead of the game.  Trust me, it works.  Frank.

Joe 02-08-2011
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"Bruce and his team are a good bunch of guys and I really think they will do a good job leading Brundage Bone"

These are the same mensa's that put them where they are now.....For the few good people left there I hope the silver tongued devil can pull a rabbit out his _ _ _. hat

The Wizzard 02-08-2011
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The only thing BBCP has on their side was the fact of their size and Pumpco went first.  These banks are only interested in one thing, to lose as little as possible.  The employees that think their doing it for them are delusional and the truth will surface sooner than later!  I personally know the lenders involved and they only want as much of their money back as they can get!  They intend to take over 80% of BBCP and sell off as many branch's and equipment and EMPLOYEES at a controlled pace until it's at a size in which they can take the rest to auction.  Sound fimiliar?  Remember Pumpco?  Les Ainsworth sold 80% during the "Good Times" and when it went bad the bank took their "First Loss" as their "Best Loss".  Hang on Boys get ready for the ride!

The Wizzard 02-08-2011
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Maybe BBCP employees should really consider going to work for the locally owned and managed companies to truly help themselves and the industry. Let the banks get what they deserve now before they show you how they really do think of you as a number.

Many 02-08-2011
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Hell Jack Brundage was proud and arrogant and I hated seeing his example in the Concrete Pumping industry. 

That's funny,I always got along with Jack,Dale.I just trust the lessons learned from all this goes towards the future.

bigpumpb 02-08-2011
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biged 02-08-2011
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I hope they get truly what they got coming, what goes around comes around.

BIG PAPA PUMP 02-09-2011
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Well then i guess we all shall see, won't we??  Good, bad, right, wrong or indiferent at this point all i know is i still have a job and i will be holding on to it as long as can, and i do thank god for that.

bigpumpb 02-09-2011
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well biged the same goese for you what comes around goese around!!!! and you will get yours....just keep on talking... o and by the what why dont you just stay of this site and stay on the othersite!!!!!!!!!!!! BRUNDAGE BONE      THE CONTRACTORS CHOICE.....

biged 02-09-2011
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bigpoopp have you been drinking before you post if so stay at home and don't go out, I wouldn't want to miss the next chapter on this.

Looking Forward 02-09-2011
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THE REAL STORY Brundage-Bone grew so fast because they received better deals from the manufactures in several different ways. This made it not a fair playing feel for the smaller companies. In the beginning they took employees from a great company that spent lot of money training them. They blame it on the economy for having to file chapter 11 but maybe do you think they lived like kings and never worried about paying of the concrete pumps.They never charged what it cost to pump concrete. So if they failed when they had all these great deals and the biggest construction boom in the history of America how long will it last this time? If they are going to use the same President and most of the same management this is going to be interesting to see how they try to finish killing the industry. I am sure you will see Sany pumps in there fleet soon.

Joe 02-09-2011
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Exactly Gaylen.....keep doing what you need to do to for your family, just keep your eyes wide open (you are smart enought to know that) keep opinions to yourself and hope the people in charge keep their egos in check and change their ways

orangeboom4u 02-09-2011
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Restructuring this great company will only make Brundage Bone stronger. I will support them thru thinck and thin. Come on boys lets show them that we are VERY proud of our company.


BIG PAPA PUMP 02-09-2011
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Well said joe, i totally agree my friend.

95schwing 02-09-2011
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The contractors choice? Really???????

bigstick 02-10-2011
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What the hell happened in Tulsa yesterday, I heard from a little birdie everybody in the whole shop left and joined up with the competition.  Just a rumor, but maybe the shape of things to come soon?

bignasty 02-11-2011
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from a reliable source the New Orleans manager left due to upper management trying to shove price gouging down his throat and the same old song and dance, he left sounds to me like he should have been promoted !!!!

ttowngirl 02-11-2011
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It's true! The entire Tulsa Branch did quit! But, unlike what had been reported earlier by Yellowstone. They all gave 2 week notices, and was released 3 days before the notice was up..

SUTTIE 02-11-2011
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Not sure what you smoke when you get up and put on your BB thong. But your company is the reason many smaller companys have gone out of business because of your selling tactics and the prices bb has put out there to try and stay afloat. Always a bb disliker for life...

Laser 02-12-2011
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Seems I heard 3-5 operators stayed do they count? Or just the manager, the sales people and the office girl make up the whole branch?

Laser 02-12-2011
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Seems I heard 3-5 operators stayed do they count? Or just the manager, the sales people and the office girl make up the whole branch?

ttowngirl 02-12-2011
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The Manager,Salesman,Dispatcher,Office Girl(as you call it), Mechanic, and 7 operators.. Call it what you want. there were 3 operators not taken..

Laser 02-12-2011
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wow....was it that bad?  Must have been

Todd 02-12-2011
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A good man tries never to boasts over another man's failure and those that do often become what he himself despises. Sometimes its hard to be a good loser but it is worse to be a bad winner. Life is hard enough but is good enough that we should not find our pleasure in others failures. I love the Concrete Pumping industry, lets try to keep it as professional as possible, please.

ttowngirl 02-16-2011
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Who do you think has been Running Brundage and Bone??