wannadrag 08-31-2008
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Hi all, happy labor day weekend, hope everyone is enjoying it.I read this today in the Daily News,from McClatchy newspapers,by Les Blumenthal.

"From 500 miles in space,satellites track brown clouds of dust,soot and other toxic pollutants  from China and elsewhere in asia as they stream across the pacific and take dead aim at the western U.S.

A fleet of tiny,specially equipped unmanned aerial vehicles,launched from an island in the East China sea 700 or so miles downwind of beijing,are flying through the projected paths of the pollution taking chemical samples and recording temperatures,humidity levels and sunlight intensity in the clouds of smog.

On the summit of 9000ft Mount Bachelor in central oregon and near sea level at Cheeka Peak on washington state'sOlympic penninsula,monitors track the pollution as it arrives in America.

By some estimates morer than 10 billion pounds of airborne pollutants from Asia- ranging from soot to mercury to cabondioxide to ozone-reach the U.S. annually. The problem is only expected to worsen:Some Chinese officals have warned that pollution in their country could quadruple in the next 15 years.

While some scientists are less certain,others say the Asian pollution could destabilize weather patterns across the North Pacific,mask the effects of global warming,reduce rainfall in the American West and compromise efforts to meet air-pollution standrds.

The National Academies of Science, at the request of  the E.P.A,N.A.S.A,the National Oceanic  and Atmospheric Administration and in consultation with the State Department, has assembled a panel to examine the problem and it's impact. Its report is due next summer.


Bob 08-31-2008
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A fleet of tiny,specially equipped unmanned aerial vehicles,launched from an island in the East China sea 700 or so miles downwind of beijing,are flying through the projected paths of the pollution taking chemical samples and recording temperatures,humidity levels and sunlight intensity in the clouds of smog.

They sample the poisons to make sure that they are not leaving any out. Wouldn't want US to be deprived in any way. Make sure that you all go to WalMart tomorrow and stock up on all that imported crap. Every little bit helps... kill America.

LIL47 08-31-2008
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Their measuring to find out how much they can raise our taxes.

wannadrag 08-31-2008
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First off, yes that article said 10 billion, B-illion pounds.ANNUALLY! Set to qaudruple to 40 BILLION pound ANNUALLY.

BOY, I hope C.A.R.B.(California Air Resources Board) reads this. I am wondering how they are going to go about assesing(fining) China/Asia for their contribution to the smog that is choking off california.

Reading 10 billion pounds annually, make my contibution to the demise of this planet seem so trivial.I have a 4cyl deutz tier 0, and  a 6 cyl deutz tier 2. I tried to register the tier 0 but to no avail,apparently they did'nt want my $2000.00,C.A.R.B. sent back my check and informed me that my pump is unregistable(tier 0).Thier solution is an engine upgrade to the tune of 15000.00 (tier 3)(engine only on a skid) plus installation charge by 2010, plus $800.00 every two years until I need to upgrade again 10 years later .I guess I'm lucky ,I heard of owners not getting their money back and being told the same.

Now dont get me wrong, I like clean air , but give me a break.This state mandates so much bussiness crippling legislation its no wonder bussiness's flee in droves from california.

By the way,, I was never formally notified that my pump needed registration through  C.A.R.B (I found out on my Tier 0 was purchased new in california,D.M.V registered for 12 years in california,insured in california and operated in california. Some desk in sacremento wanted proof that my pump  was in operation in the year 2004 and had not left state. When I talked to the desk, he informed me that although I had registered ,insured,purchased new and operated the last twelve years,that that was not enough proof of residency, I needed a receipt(repair/maintenance) to prove myself.Californias Finest.

I'll pay the money to go legit, but what FRY'S me the most is that no one ever stuck a probe in my exhaust stack to see what my contribution ACTUALLY is, Its almost as if DIESEL=50 hp=PAY ME!  The only probe I've seen is the one going for my pocket book.If your a third world country, or an illegal, don't worry about it, but if you're an law abiding citizen pay up to do your part.

THANKS for letting me vent.

Leroy 08-31-2008
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Was any of that crap headed to Alaska? Too much clean Air up here! It gets to the head after a while. Or maybe its the long nites? prbly both!

Bob 08-31-2008
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You are taxing yourself with every dollar that you spend that will be deposited in a foreign bank.

It is getting harder but every chance you get, BUY AMERICAN.

wannadrag 08-31-2008
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I agree Bob, buying american is close to impossible, but a much needed sacrifice on our(american public) part.Sadly america is becoming a nation  of service, in my town of 120,000 people over 70% work in the service industry. Gone are the manufacturing jobs.

Bob 08-31-2008
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Your entire story about C.A.R.B. is typical of how our government will step over a dollar to screw a working man out of a dime.

For that I am sorry.

wannadrag 08-31-2008
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Dollar/dime could'nt have said it better myself.

wannadrag 08-31-2008
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Ya know, Al Gore's "carbon footprint" is so huge ,due to his 14,000 sq ft house, gulfstream jet,etc,that he buys "carbon offsets". This is a pompus rich man word that means do as I say not as I do.

I wonder what my "carbon offset" charge would be for my two deutz's. I bet a lot less than the C.A.R.B machine asks  for.

Maybe  getting carbon offsets will make me FEEL better about China/Asia polluting the air space that I'm being asked to pay for?

Bob 08-31-2008
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All that off-set bullshit is a rich man buying a free pass on the back of a working man.

It is the same for the power companies. The large polluters are alowed to buy off-set credit from a power supply company that is operating within or below the pollution limits.

Please tell me how that helps the people down wind from the polluter?

Typical example of how you get the best  government that you can buy.

They are all - Republican and Democrat - a bunch of for rent or for sale con men worried only about their reelection.

Makes me sick!!!

wannadrag 08-31-2008
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Ya know Bob,one  of my passions is classic/musclecar restoration (I have 8). Years ago in the eighties is when I first heard of this action. I was in high school. I remember how california started to smog all cars. Well there was a program that would buy your "CLUNKER" for $700.00, all in the name of cleaning the air. What was not told was the dark secret behind it. That was the company buying the cars in the name of clean air was actually buying their "POLLUTION", you see for every car taken off the road also off the road was that cars pollution which the company bought, in essence buying the RIGHT to pollute. Same amount of pollution different source. Legal, you bet,shady, of course, Jhon Q Public FEELS good because he did his part,  what a BJ.

Aside from that how many bitchen mopar,ford and chevy was crushed under false pretence?

Bob 08-31-2008
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I remember.

They purchased a short term solution for their self created problem.

And where are they today?

They are begging for a government handout from the same people that helped put them where they are.

I don't think that my tax dollars need to be spent like that. I am sure that they did not ask for money to maintain their pension obligations to retired auto workers.

TooTall 09-01-2008
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Hey "wannadrag", Ya ever wonder what that CLUNKER program did with grammas old Galaxie or Firebird? Betcha 10-1 they got turned over into "classics" and sold to musle-car guys like your self. I'da loved to been a part of that program! Gramma got rid a the old gas guzzler and headed strait for the bingo hall, Happy as can be! 700$ is still big dough to my gramma. Even more back then!

wannadrag 09-01-2008
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TooTall, Yeah I wish some one could have gotten some of those cars, unfortuately once they were sold they were crushed. The reasoning behind that was; If someone needs a part from the car that was turned in,selling  a part from that car keeps one MORE "gas guzzler/clunker off the road".

The criteria for turning a car in for $700.00 was that it had to be registered in california for the last three years,had to start,grab forward gear and reverse.

I remember a friend who was at the yard,saw a cherry fastback mustang 65 or 66,had just been sold,my buddy tried to get that car,ithink offered $2000.00 but the operator of the yard had already done paperwork on the car and coud'nt reverse it ,my buddy saw that car crushed right in front of him. By the way, they would'nt even sell parts of of it(my buddy was big into the fastbacks and had dozens)

By the way TooTall, the crusher has'nt gotten a hold of my Galaxie 64 convert 390 auto black on red. 18mpg on a big block is'nt too shabby as a matter of fact much better than most soccer mobiles you see on the road today.

TooTall 09-01-2008
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Hey someone else in their own "Galaxie"! you noticed I mentioned that car First! I got a 66' 500. Still got a ways to go. Picked it up unexpectedly. It may sound silly, but my favorite part of this car Is the windows. Especially the roll-open wing windows! When they're all rolled down! Man she looks sweet!

wannadrag 09-01-2008
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Yeah, can't beat those windows all down looks clean. The vent wings were always a trip on those cars. I had a 63 in high school after I rolled a 66 fastback mustang day before my senior year. Neat car (63 fastback) white, 390 .We called it the tuna boat,because The grill made the car look like one of those japanese tuna fishing boats.

cementshoes 09-02-2008
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can we trade russia 4 some carbs if we bomb china like a 4 barrel carb