Many | 07-04-2009 | comment profile send pm notify |
There has been a huge following on the recent pump accident.It's very easy for the younger operator to be had,a bad situation.You have a younger operator looking to make the contractor happy (hero type) and an owner trying to make a profit.A good company has as many safety checks in place to try to avoid this.A contractor can and will use different stratagies to cut corners.So what are some? 5 minute rule,proper discharge hose,training on equipment,jobsite awareness,power line identification,safety equip. Some here know I worked for one of the big guys.They have it really together for safety and the price wasn't cheap.The operator from this accident could be a great guy,or great husband,or top employee.He just got had,so who's fault is it?I didn't know is pretty lame right?So who's really at fault here?The con men or the owners?
MikeC | 07-04-2009 | reply profile send pm notify |
You are on target Many - Operators have to think of themselves as soldiers in the construction industry. They need to have a complete understanding of their equipmnet and safety. They need to know that their company is behind them on any decision they make on the job and not fall to pressure of greed. Certainly there are no owners or bosses that want anyone to get hurt but sometimes the quest to be the best or make a dollar influences our better judgement. When I was in the Military we knew our duty but we also knew where the line not to be crossed was located. The really great operators are those who will take a stand to not do something he knows is wrong like working next to a power line or to close to the edge of a slope. He will not be intimidated by contractors or fellow workers. He does not refuse out of insolence but out of respect for the lives of his fellow workers. We all have a lapse of judgement and make mistakes - the great operators learn from them and try to help others avoid the same pitfalls. Who are the heros of the pumping industry - Owners with an unswerving dedication to safety and Operators with the same code of ethics. |
Joe | 07-04-2009 | reply profile send pm notify |
Well put Mike,but there arent enough owners like that. I have only ever known one. They usually arent around when you need them. What we need is to have the operatons mgr to put his ass on the line and stand up for the operators. Too many times you hear"the salemen cheecked the job". I cant remember how many times I have heard just get it done we cant lose the customer....And you can get it done, but just because you can doesnt mean you should...countless times there should have been a line pump on the job verses a boom...Its just like the salemen letting the other companys sales staff or contractors dictating the price. No balls left in this industry |
WHO?? | 07-04-2009 | reply profile send pm notify |
100% on the nail head JOE !! |
Many | 07-04-2009 | reply profile send pm notify |
Joe,your right.A great operator can spot bs a mile away.You need to set here and do this,yeah right (con job),not on my watch.I can set up this way and do what you ask,always search for a safe solution (can do attitude).That's a true operators job,acomplish the mission safely. For the owners out there that disreguard safety "sucks to be you".The law of averages say fate is the hunter,it will get you.I invite any owner to mail me to tell me why safety should be thrown away for the sake of $$$ Explain to me why !!! Hey let those super smart jerks wheel barrow that mud.I will say one thing,I have and will continue to contact osha for unsafe practises.It should be manditory all contracts include safety codes.Will this prevent lawsuits? probably not,but will raise the awareness level 10 fold. As for rates,mmm.I personally just pay what it takes and pass that cost along.You can bet your jock strap that GC won't budg off his profit margine and extra's/change orders are where the gravy is.Guys/girls just cover your butt,and that of another employee.
Openhorizen | 07-05-2009 | reply profile send pm notify |
Don't you love the pencil and paper pushers back in the office yelling at you to get the job done? Everybody looking for somebody to blame. The middle man carries everyone on his back ,and yet when they break his back they tell him it's his fault. I have been written up because I could not set the pump on a job. If that is the only thing I have on my record, then I say "oh well. At least I wasn't the reason a man couldn't get home to his family that night." |