Concrete pours rushed??? Sounds familiar....
pumpjockey 11-07-2012
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Mister_Perkins 11-07-2012
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any time you get in a rush, is when things go down hill

PumpKid_88 11-07-2012
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y rush ya getting paid by the hour bub milk that dam clock

Many 11-08-2012
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That's sure a good awarness article

Dont need one 11-08-2012
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 I guess the one thing that comes to my mind is contractors that under bid other contractors and cut every corner they can, but preach safety. I wonder do any of you know a contractor like this. Maybe we need a new website to list all these types of contractors.

Mister_Perkins 11-09-2012
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happens a lot don't need one. recently I had a contractor come up to me when I hopped out of the truck and said where's your hard hat. I said on the passenger side. went and got it then I said to him, where are all your rebar caps, and what is that fellow doing on the wall without fall protection? after I said this the fellow missed his step and fell. some contractors just don't get it. maybe osha should be more involved with job site safety. hire more guys and for every county have an osha representative