"MUDDY" 08-06-2010
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pumpjockey 08-06-2010
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Can you please 'splain the situation?

did the excavator in the back ground load the buckets on the barge?  Is there a crane on another barge to place the concrete?  How far out? Are there big barges around that could handle a pump and a couple mixers?

Pictures are worth 1000 words, but without knowing the context of what's going on it's pretty pointless.  Jus' sayin'.

"MUDDY" 08-06-2010
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there was a crane beside the excavator on land and one on the barge. we were pumping the void between the legs and the templates on a vapor recovery dock at marathon refinery. 3 buckets at a time. 650 yards total. over a period of 2 months. i had a line pump on the barge. more pics coming on same job coming now.

Grinder101 08-06-2010
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atta boy muddy.  i thot u were just going bucket fishing again. 

Many 08-06-2010
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Not good,bring a big lunch,no roach coaches out there.

By the way,with all the water jobs you get into do you have web feet and gills? grin


"MUDDY" 08-06-2010
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everywhere you turn there's water here in louisiana.

that was a 9 sack grout mix with 2% retarder at an 8" slump max. pumping 20 yards in 12 hour days with no cleanout between trucks.

jj707 08-07-2010
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Where are you at in Louisiana ?

"MUDDY" 08-07-2010
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that job was in garyville. i am in lafayette. the offshore oil capitol.

getRdone 08-08-2010
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What was the hourly goal of the pour 2 f***n yards and hr? hahaha Damn that sucks.

"MUDDY" 08-09-2010
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its a whole different game hookin up lines in a small boat. i don't know if you have ever delt with the mississippi, but that river is very swift.