Concrete Pumping Recruitment and Labour Hire
PumpingSolutions 08-09-2010
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Hi All. I have been tossing around this idea of starting a recruitment/labour hire company specialising in the Concrete Pumping Industry. Based in Australia it would be a way that companies can reduce their overheads by not having to carry employees during quiet times. The advantage for the employee is they will be kept a lot busier by working over a wide range of companies. The company would be split into high rise and mobile operators. Just wondering what everyones thoughts are on this.

Many 08-09-2010
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The sky is falling,just kidding.In principle perhaps,howver.If it's like the good 'ol usa,my read.

In 30+ years I have ever trusted maybe 3 operators.This is the most slieziest occupation I have ever seen.Operators will cut your throat to get ahead.

From an employers standpoint,the same applies.Trade secrets being given away,sorry

pumpjockey 08-09-2010
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A temp agency for pump operators? Nah, doesn't sound good to me. But to a bean-counter type manager that's only ever seen pictures of the pumps he manages, it just might fly.

PumpingSolutions 08-09-2010
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I have had 10 - 15 years experience in the pumping industry and have seen it from both sides. Have a lot of people ring me looking for work and have a lot of companies looking for operators to cover holidays, sick days etc. Thought it may be something I could do and get paid for it. I could afford to pay union rates.

Also how many owner operators never get a chance to take holidays because they are too busy running their business. I have been in management in the concrete pumping industry and could step in and run their business for them while they have a well earned break.

PumpingSolutions 08-09-2010
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Would be interested to see what Todd thinks also

Many 08-09-2010
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Young man,you need to work on a dairy farm.Those dumb ass cows could care less if it was the 4th of July or X-Mass,7 days a week x 52 weeks (except leapyear)

biloximike 08-09-2010
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Interesting concept - I think it would work best if you had a small group of retired or more expierenced operators that do no want to work the daily grind required to work in a fleet.  If they were proven operators that all companies could depend on to run their equipment with no complaints it might work - kinda like a union hall would run but without that baggage.

pumper chuck 08-10-2010
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sounds like you need to buy some pumps and hire your own operators .

Pump N00b 08-12-2010
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I have a few colleagues and know of many other persons or companies that works as 'freelance operators' here in Norway.
They get paid about twice what we regular workers get, but then they have to pay their own insurance, pension, get replacements when they get sick, alot more paperwork, no holidays, etc., and a lot less rights and regulations than a normal worker, union or non-union.
But thats in my country, could be different elsewhere.
Looks like good money though, if everything goes fine.

schwing58 08-12-2010
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Like your idea. But I would not be so interested in a stanger to drive my pumps. It all depends on how you set this up. Your reputation is the most important. If you ONLY have the best drivers.. You'll mannage. never hire any amatures!!!

Dipstick 08-12-2010
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Hei Pumpnoob!! when are you coming back to Bergen? I think I figured out who you are. Talked to some guys of Hummervoll and if you are who they think you are they say you where the better pumper. Always jumping around the building site making sure everything is like it should be. Could this be you? are you a bit short guy?

Pump N00b 08-13-2010
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Hi Dipstick, compared to the Hummervoll guys EVERYONE is small. :D
I once pumped 100 cubics through 3 inch hose and the guy from Hummervoll just drops the hose from his shoulder where he had held it all the time and just shrugs like it was nothing...
Yeah, I'm kinda small AND wide, but ask if he used glasses, I'm the only one who does. I think the jumping description sounds like Agnar...
Just negotiating my pay and stuff and I'll be there within a weeks notice.