Todd | 04-01-2011 | comment profile send pm notify |
It was a really nice show. Thanks for all the kindness showed to me this year from the great ACPA members to all the dinners from NBIS, REED and CIFA. Putz and Sany were great also. Conforms is getting me a cool jacket. Sany gave me a 58 meter Boom pump model, Very nice. Oh and I have to thank Pat Ingleses we had a great talk and thanks for the room NBIS. I hope you all enjoy the photos and videos. |
northwest63 | 04-02-2011 | reply profile send pm notify |
cool TODD.the one thing that cought my eye. the telabelt on the placing boom tower? never seen that befor |
Todd | 04-02-2011 | reply profile send pm notify |
Yep Putz had a cool booth and every thing was sold also. |
Drew AUS | 04-04-2011 | reply profile send pm notify |
Yeah I cant quiet understand that! A telebelt for a placing boom... cant make sence of it . hope someone has a explaination ?? I dont get it... |
PM-Eng | 04-05-2011 | reply profile send pm notify |
For example, visualize a dam project where overland conveyors feed RCC to the tower-mounted belt to place anywhere within reach ... belt can rise with the dam by adding tower sections. |
Todd | 04-05-2011 | reply profile send pm notify |
That is the coolest picture I have ever seen of you Jim. The only way it would be cooler is if there was a Concrete Pump in the back ground. |
Todd | 04-06-2011 | reply profile send pm notify |
Here is an exsample of this product. Check it out. |
Travelteck | 04-06-2011 | reply profile send pm notify |
Thank you Todd for posting the link for the MXTB, There are questions as to how the placing boom Telebelt would work. This is an application suited for large sites with high volume pours, Dams and Locks come to mind. I have been on sites that have batching plants delivering concrete from miles away over a series of belts at high volume; this can be funneled into holding hoppers or directly to the boom of the Telebelt, the possibilities are only limited to the needs of the customer. For particular info on long distance belt pours Don Matthews of PMA is a great source , he can be contacted through PMA @800 890 0269. If there are other questions I can get answers for you. |