Conforms now Selling Genuine Schwing Parts in Gardena Ca.
Todd 02-13-2012
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“Construction Forms is pleased to announce the addition of Genuine Schwing Parts to their Gardena, CA location. Con Forms will be stocking a full line of Schwing parts and accessories, assisting Schwing in servicing the southern California marketplace. You may contact Rick Hahnat Con Forms Gardena at 1-800-553-6656.”



Dick Farrell

Director - West Coast Operations

Construction Forms Inc.

Cell: 262-353-6881


dlee7729 02-17-2012
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Great info. But I have to stick with CROSS for the parts I need.

williamcross 02-21-2012
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thank you Dave I really appreciate your loyality this day & age its huge  

Todd 02-21-2012
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I could be wrong bill but I think they can only sell in California, again I could be wrong.

D.Farrell 02-23-2012
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That is correct, we are stocking and selling Genuine Schwing Parts in southern California.  To set the record straight, we are not a dealer, we have purchased and will be selling Schwing parts only in southern California!  Parts arrived last week and are inventoried and ready to go out the door in our Gardena, CA facility.  Hope this answers any questions.

Dick Farrell  Construction Forms, Inc.