Crazey Canuck shots
Slavedattler 06-22-2007
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Finally got that 26z to work.

pumper chuck 06-23-2007
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Pumping off a bardge pretty neat. What kind of  precautions where in place in case of hyd leak,oil  or concrete spill? Just that i didnt see anything that could contain a spill in your pic.

Slavedattler 06-23-2007
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Both questions; on the first pic it was out in our farmlands and yes they were warned many time not to stand under and hard hats needed. We use to not pump until they put them on, but WCB changed the rule so the machine was not responsible go figure. I hate it also but the customer would phone Joe blow to do the job otherwise,  and WCB would rather a trainned pump company do this in this case.

The barge had like gutters along the edges but yes a blown main line would make that fruitless. We are reconsidering this barge work, and send new pumps only, but good question. I am going to look into more friendly oils or possible alternatives, as soil clean up after a blown line is way to expensive to clean up also.

Bob 06-23-2007
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What, besides friction and gravity, is securing the pump to the barge?

Slavedattler 06-23-2007
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Just that Bob, these pours are scouted prior with good weather good moorage and a well insured barge company.

There is a big what if but if all these bases are covered with Coast guard and so on it can be ok, as I said before we are thinking twice about the legistics, but this has been done for many years here with minimal damage, now that falls onto the contractor.But this is big money pours as you probably guessed. I would have to take on 1000meter pour downtown to profit as much as this one load pour. We can say safety safety but all the bases are covered here.

We do not take on open Ocean barge jobs unless we have a very large barge. If I sound defensive I am not but rather not put my boot in my mouth here. We had damage before, it was not pretty high winds hit about 3 years ago with boom extended, cracked turret structure, fixed and safety became very stringent from then on, two fold. Oh yes and with 5ft swell we do chain down. And pours are in sheltered coves.And beached.

Bob 06-23-2007
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The barge jobs I have been involved with have used "pockets" welded around the outriggers with straps or chains holding the outriggers down to the barge. Gravity is just fine as long as the barge is floating nice and level. When it isn't, well a mechanical attachment to the barge is a real +