green gold | 04-27-2009 | comment profile send pm notify |
where do I start.............I am a concrte contractor, I have a 32m putz boom and a tk50 putz which we use for our own use and from time to time I will hire them out. Last Friday I had to hire in a pump company to help with one of our jobs, the operator set up the pump with a double ended hose i asked him to swap it out for a rubber tip hose he said that he had none i then told him to cut one. He called his boss and he said to charge me $800, I thought that he was joking but today I recievied a bill for the rental of the pump and a new hose. I am outraged by this what should I do?
bikermike | 04-27-2009 | reply profile send pm notify |
pay it . thats cheap compared to someone getting hurt . or should have made sure they had one coming to the job |
typesdubs | 04-27-2009 | reply profile send pm notify |
Pay for the shipping to have a new end put on it. |
pumpjockey | 04-27-2009 | reply profile send pm notify |
Pay the pump bill, and send him several of Todd's 'pump like the pros' stickers and the ACPA safety bulletin on tip hoses. Plus your own bill for safety consulting (in an amount equal to the cost of his new hose) and tell him that you will pay for the hose promptly upon receipt of payment for your safety invoice. Hold on to copies of all that documentation in case you need it for small claims court. I doubt that any judge would side with him. BTW, did he leave the hose with you? If not, even more in your favour. If he did, then how can he charge full price for new? He sold you a used hose. It's likely a steel braided hose, and not really a good tip hose anyways, but better than a double-ender, by far. |
Todd | 04-27-2009 | reply profile send pm notify |
I would post the name of the company on here, i would like to know who it is. I will call them personaly and give them a hard time. You did a good job by keeping your guys safe. I am proud of you. Good picture also. |
FrankieW | 04-27-2009 | reply profile send pm notify |
typesdubs recrimping old hoses is a major no-no. all hose makers and even the people selling you the ends and crimp machines tell you not to do that. if you're just line pumping through them i'd say what's the big deal, but never crimp an end on an old hose and have it hang over someone's head. |
ShortStik | 04-27-2009 | reply profile send pm notify |
i think pumpjockey has a good solution. safety training of a sub-contactor employee is at least an $800 bill. |
green gold | 04-27-2009 | reply profile send pm notify |
The operator took the hose with him. When he returns it I will pay them. The job that he was pumping on would have required him to return at least 17 more pours. I have already organised another company for the next pour and I have been assured that all pumps are dispatched with rubber tipped hoses.
eugene | 04-27-2009 | reply profile send pm notify |
ask for a certificate of insurance so when he asks why you can tell him you where wondering how much his rates would increase if the hose end just made contact with a worker. |
TooTall | 04-28-2009 | reply profile send pm notify |
Yeah Man Chop Chop! That was a nice hose though? HA,Ha,ha!.. Everyone deserves to do that once. I have done it plenty, a few times got bitched at by the boss! Its never the right hose is it? You are both businessmen and both of you were/are in the right. You chose not to be endangered and he's out one double ender so it sounds like a fifty/fifty to me? Send him $400 and explain. Besides, it's not like you burried it in concrete, it will hopefully get used every day. It may even save someone down the road someday? ...Priceless! Well done GreenGold PumpON! |
Todd | 04-28-2009 | reply profile send pm notify |
I think your giving the pump company a brake here TooTall. They should have a tip hose. I would still like to know what company it is and i would love to encourage them to make sure they always use a tip hose and explain why. |
murf | 04-28-2009 | reply profile send pm notify |
$800 for a simple placin hose????? if you are that worried about it ask for the hose back and give him one of yours, then tell him he's lost 15 pours. Just to add insult, bill him for the disc cutter blade and a gallon of gas, and min. hour of labour at foremans rates, he should have come prepared!!!!! |
snowball | 04-28-2009 | reply profile send pm notify |
call me i will come pump concrete for ya,and will pump with a tip hose all 16 days !!!!!!!!!!!!! |
Pump N00b | 04-28-2009 | reply profile send pm notify |
TooTall | 04-28-2009 | reply profile send pm notify |
Yeah Todd I know, I'm just seeing it from both points of view? It may not have been the company without the whip hose it may just have been that operator? In that case he may have cost his boss $800 for not carrying the proper equipment. If I am cutting them too much slack then you are playing both sides of the field. What I mean is, you seem awful quick to post the companies name when we all know that is not the place to talk smak about another company right? I'm just give'n ya a hard time cuz I know you can take it Todd! |