Extreme Makeover: Home Edition
hammah 09-28-2010
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Check this out if you wanna get to the point fast forward it to 20:47. http://www.fancast.com/tv/Extreme-Makeover%3A-Home-Edition/93997/1600800216/Boys-Hope-Girls-Hope%2C-Part-1/videos

Dipstick 09-28-2010
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They say the video is expired. But I did see a pump on extreem makeover the other day..

hammah 09-28-2010
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hammah 09-28-2010
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Go forward to 20:47

bigstick 09-28-2010
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Nice five inch double ended hose.  Great advertisment for the pump company.

Many 09-28-2010
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Yeah,but i'v never had someone on the hose like that !!!

eugene 09-28-2010
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take in account that television is fake.

hammah 09-28-2010
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That looked pretty real to me.

WHO?? 09-28-2010
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Man!!!...Put a 5-4 reducer and a single ended hose on!!!!....I hate running a 5 inch on slow jobs like that,In my opinion if the hose is not full,It's making me look bad OH and Why in the hell is that wrecking ball on that pump??surely they know better by now...You would think!!!

Dipstick 09-28-2010
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It still says : 'no longer available' here 

pink panther 09-28-2010
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I agree with "bigstick" good to see a double ended hose on National T.V.

biged 09-28-2010
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I will tell how dumb they are I started to do one last fall here in Clarksville when I got there there was power lines over head on the same side as the house,I told them there was no way I was able to swing under any power lines, they said what was wrong with getting close to the line, I asked the fellow did he want a death or two on his job end of story, I got into a heated argument with one of the finishes and  packed up and left, one of these days someone will get killed on one of their house's,they want to finish in a week or less way to fast.