few pics from 1st month
teletubby 11-15-2009
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DSC00269.jpg picture by dgcark72DSC00272.jpg picture by dgcark72DSC00268.jpg picture by dgcark72

teletubby 11-15-2009
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DSC00277.jpg picture by dgcark72

teletubby 11-15-2009
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DSC00286.jpg picture by dgcark72

teletubby 11-15-2009
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DSC00285.jpg picture by dgcark72

teletubby 11-15-2009
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DSC00280.jpg picture by dgcark72

teletubby 11-15-2009
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DSC00263.jpg picture by dgcark72

2IC 11-15-2009
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that name is known around the world, congratulations and the best of luck des, not a bad looking little rig you got, whats her nickname,

cheers steve

teletubby 11-15-2009
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thanks Steve, i haven't named the little girl mate but i do give her an affectionate pat on the bum when the sponges come back after each job. thats about as personal it gets

Elvis441 11-15-2009
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What millenium is that pump from? ;-)

teletubby 11-15-2009
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haha.some might say they don't make them like they used to elvis!

kiwi 11-15-2009
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hi teletubby

is that an ex reilly pump, and how are you finding work as you have just started out on your own

teletubby 11-15-2009
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i got it from down south kiwi but i'm not sure where it came from before that? as for the work it seems to be ticking over ok at the moment (touch wood).ask me in 6 months???


teletubby 11-15-2009
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as for actually finding the jobs i've just been out and about to some local sites and got some jobs from mixer drivers handing my card out. on the net, on the phone, just learning as i go. 

kiwi 11-15-2009
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just wondered, did you used to work for reilly seen some of your pictures with reilly tele,

i got mine from reilly had it now just over two years, once i beat the concrete off it its been okay pump same as yours

its difficult, not to get drawn into a price war, i price loads of jobs i lose more than i get because someone esle is cheaper than me, oct was a good month i done 26 jobs but nov looking shit only done six so far, get though this winter then things will start looking up

teletubby 11-15-2009
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26 Jobs? yeh that is good. i"m happy gettin 2 or 3 a week at the moment.i'v lost a few jobs to a local line pump mob but i'm not gonna try compete with him. i did used to work for reilly for a few years but just wanted to have a go on my own.  

any pump 2 11-15-2009
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good look to all one man outfits, if we all stick together we can out smart the big boys

teletubby 11-15-2009
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only time will tell anypump

Mr wibau 11-15-2009
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hey there brother from another mother. how you been going mate? looks busy for your 1st month. gee she is a beautiful looking girl there. i miss the roar of the benz how does she compair to wibsy?

keep the pxt coming.

 look out big guys over there DGC pumping is coming through.

go and buy a double ended 5 when we get a spare few dollars. 

teletubby 11-16-2009
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hey there mate, yeah she reminds of old wibsy sometimes. probably not as much black smoke, but almost. been a good first month really. better then i expected anyway. been tinkering with a few little things here and there on the old girl but pretty much up to speed now. 

you mean a 5 inch double ender? i've got 1 as back up for me boom pipes but she can stay on the back as far as i concerned.

hope you are keepin busy over there Brendo and goin easy on that new gearbox!

murf 11-16-2009
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nice one teletub -good to see your up and runnin now, bet the pump dont make it off tick over now the meters runnin!!!  So whens number2  appearing?   all the best

Mr wibau 11-16-2009
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hey mate it is easyer on the boom if you run the double before running a pipe line.

yeah i am always busy glad to see you are.

teletubby 11-17-2009
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cheers murf. number 2 is a long way off mate but if number 1 starts earnin enough who knows?

brendo is there that much different goin from a 4 double ender from the boom to the pipeline tho? i just go straight from boom to steel when i need the extra rubber on the end. do mean its harder on the boom cos it has to absorb the kick?

pudg 11-17-2009
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if it was me and being you will be needing that pump to last you I would always attach some type of rubber between the boom and a rigid pipeline you just cant see the long term damage being done to all your pins and bushings and pipeline hangers and so on,just another mans opinion but one with your business in mind, over time those days of that boom absorbing that shock will eventually start to show.

Mr wibau 11-18-2009
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hey buddy yeah any type or size of rubber is better, it is very hard on the boom to do it that way. got to look after the old girl. but she is your rig BOSS, does that sound good mate.

teletubby 11-18-2009
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cheers boys. thanks for the input. i'll stop bein lazy and get the 5 inch off in future.

 no one callin me boss tho Brendo, i'm too tight to pay decent wages!!! feel free to come work for me tho mate. not only will i pay you next to nothin i will give you all the crap jobs as well. Deal?

Mr wibau 11-18-2009
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sounds good mate, i will take care of the gear box that should make up for my pay. when you sending me a shirt.

teletubby 11-20-2009
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 i'll let you know when i get some done n get one over to you but it better not end up as a polishing rag for a CRX!!

Mr wibau 11-20-2009
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haha i would not do that to you mate plenty of classic ones for that.