follow me boom system
pump wrench 06-21-2010
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Has anybody out there used this. How is it? slow responses to fast what i'm curious. Does it now if unit is short rigged? do you turn it on and off from the remote? Does it work the boom in Z formations or arches? when the hose man pushes the hose to hit a low spot  does boom try to center or is there a safety delay? lets hear input on this. thanks

Travelteck 06-21-2010
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Are you talking about the system on a Putzmeister? If so call me 360 600 5695

Pump N00b 06-21-2010
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You turn it on/off from the remote,
it can work in any preset boom config, Z, R, RZ and within any preset boom limitations like height and locked sections,
and it maintans all the regular EBC stuff, height, dampening and so and works with OSS shortrigging
and it tries to center if you push it too far, how far depends on the hose (lenght, flexibility and so),
and it is kinda slow, so if you have a hoseman that runs around it just cuts out, slow and easy does the trick.
Basicly works like a pump on autopilot.
At least over here in EU territory, don't know how it's set-up on US pumps.
We don't have to change plugs to turn on EBC like I've seen in Putzs videoes, we do it from the remote.
I don't really see the use if you already have a Putz with all the EBC tricks,
but sure would be nice to have around lunch or other breaks :D.