any pump 2 02-14-2010
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Came accross one of our local line pump owner operators the other day just watching him work was very frustrating but he is the sort of person that you cant tell him anything. For instance he was pumping into a big house with nine 4 1/2 inch rubber hoses he himself was dragging the hoses around on the end and had got the mixer drivers starting and stopping the pump. I mentioned to him what would happen if it blocked he basically said I will cross that bridge when I come to it he has had no full training and has only got a certificate off the manufacturer just to say that he knows the basics about the pump. He has never been out with an experienced operator and one of these days he is going to injure somebody but what can we do.  

murf 02-14-2010
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Experiance is what this guy needs, you tried your best, using that much rubber his bank balance will soon suffer at £200 a go for pipework, let alone giving the customer a free linesman!!!  Then there is the physical aspect, experiance and time and his health will soon tell him that you cant do it all.  I know that an innocent party may get hurt but the way the licencing system is at the moment anyone one can set up and do this sort of thing and there is not a lot you can do about it. Things will change and this guy will learn eventually.

79xlch 02-14-2010
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Anyone that drags that size hose by himself...... I would not say anything to.

biged 02-14-2010
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79 is right better leave that fellow a lone, I'm 6 ft 6inchs and weight 360 and have trouble dragging 2 1/2 hose if this guy drags 4 1/2 steer clear or ask if you can help cause he could come in handy in a fight.

buddy rough 02-15-2010
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customer service props to the operator '":owner wont spring for radio remote