good news on the job
mrpumpy 01-12-2011
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the board of consecutives granted me a highpressurecleaner on my pump. it will cost them 6500$. but i am glad they finaly heard my scream after 3 years.

Dipstick 01-12-2011
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6500 bucks for a highpressure cleaner??  Is it made of gold??

mrpumpy 01-12-2011
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it is a hydrolic driven highpressure cleaner who sprays with 3oo bar pressure low wateruse. custom made

Vasa 01-12-2011
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I'am happy with You , buy it even if it cost 6500USD , It seems thats everything on this site is about money... ( Yes it is , but something You must have to run a pump) It cost money to earn money .

Dipstick 01-13-2011
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I think you've got ripped-off my friend....

Vasa 01-13-2011
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How much does a custom made hydraulic pressuerwasher cost with instalation dipstick ? How much does Putzmeister take for their pressuer-washer with instalation on a pump with nothing preinstalled ? A Putzmeister is more expensiv to buy than a JMBH , has the company who bought the Putz get robbed ? What do I know about highpressuer-washer ? Nothing more than when I orded one special made with X pressuer and Y minut/liter to one pump it was verry expensive but it has survived more than that pump .

Dipstick 01-13-2011
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Sure.. If it really wasn't possible to find a cheaper solution with good quallity.. who am I. 

By the way. I do understand now why the JM is cheaper than the Putz... Its not cheap enough actualy. Long live the PUTZ!!!!! (but I am not alowed to talk about it ;-)

thinksnow 01-13-2011
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i installed a gas psi washer under h2o tank ,have water psi even when truck is off

crete 01-13-2011
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Kind of on the same topic,I run a belt which has a high pressure washer installed.I was wondering if the pump guys prefer a hi pressure washer or a hi volume low pressure.Most of the pumps here in the midwest seem to have the roller type pump for more volume.

Dipstick 01-14-2011
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Sorry for being so negative... Great country belgium!! Host of the greates ever sports event in history... The SPA F1 GP ;-)