got a mixer fin today.
jbrown 08-09-2010
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 i heard my pump bind up a little so i told the guys to step back cause i had something big coming thru the system it ended up going thru 100 feet of 3inch system and then plugged bad i reversed it to relieve the pressure and broke the hose and continued pumping till i had time to deal with the hose in between truck and this is what i ended up beating out of the hose a piece of mixer fin

Many 08-09-2010
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Heck,that fin fish is below legal limits,throw it back.

jj707 08-09-2010
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Got one last week on a 1200 yd pour hung in the 6 inch double 90 out the hopper do not know how much I pumped with it in there but couldnt open them to clean out had to take it to the shop and cut it out with a torch , caught a chain binder before it got through.

Boomtish 08-10-2010
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I had trouble pumping on a line pump. Something was blocked up at the 4 to 3 inch reducer. Relieved pressure and looked in the reducer, it was something that resembled to that instead it was a long strip of metal all twisted up. Chucked it out and hooked the system up again, pumped again til halfway the entire hose shuddered so bad so I slowed down and at the end of the hose out came a long piece of thin metal(think it was used to strap up loads). Asked the RM driver wtf it was. He said he had no idea and said he'll take it back to the plant. I asked him why he wasn't watching what was going through the hopper he just shrugged... Ah joys of unwatchful RM drivers

Seed 08-10-2010
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They must be going around I had one last week? Sign of the times!

mtnpumper 08-10-2010
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Got one today. [concrete fin fish] Loaded up and let go.