Got enough Power ?
Travelteck 06-27-2014
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Battery Maintenance is a must !


Ok time to think about a bit of preventative maintenance for all your pumps.

In the past we have ignored the battery box until the darn thing wont start on a cold morning.

MY friends those times are long past. With the increasing system demands on the electrical system keeping an eye on the primary components can save a lot of headaches.


When is the last time you or your service dept did a battery load test? Are the connections CLEAN and TIGHT?  Is the alternator working properly? They don’t last forever, I have had customers in severe conditions go through alternators in less than 2 years, other’s make it longer. How old is yours? When it fails it won’t be a good day.


If there is a problem like a bad battery cell or terminal connections this will make for some interesting problems like ghost faults and irregular operation on the, truck side as well as the pump side, since we are all relying on the truck system to power the pump systems it needs to be healthy.


Please save yourselves some grief make sure to include testing the Electrical system on your units before there is a strange ghost problem driving you nut’s


If you are not sure how to test and service these systems safely, have someone that's properly trained check it for you, incorrect testing can lead to safety problems.