Got my orange Boom Today
bri 04-15-2009
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A 28z big diff. from a 60m. But I am proud to have a job:)

S-Tube 04-15-2009
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Got my big orange also today. Not impressed, I have always heard BB pumps were well taken care of NOT the few I have seen thus far.But still happy to have a job.

ruck 04-15-2009
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Where you at


RAM03 04-15-2009
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got mine today also 47 schwing. i dont know who you are s tube but i cant complain. mine is an older unit but i just consider it to be broke in. plus with you could have gotten the alternative, a pink slip and a trip to the unemployment line. so show some gratitude to have a job. there are alot of our fellow operators who would gladly take your spot. alot of us have been on pins and needles for the past week or so wondering weather or not we were going to have a job. so since you have nothing on your profile and im going to assume your not from atlanta like bri,jspumper and myself.

jspumper 04-15-2009
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I was lucky also.  A sweet 40m Concord to a just as nice 40m putz.   

toper 04-15-2009
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hey fellas, glad to hear the good news , in these times were all just lucky to get out there ,so congrats to all and my prayers are with the ones who didnt get an orange boom,keep ur heads up and minds open. be safe all.


20 cell 04-15-2009
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bri bri cry cry let us know how that big line pump is working for you.try not to drink and drive in that big 28z.....hose hogg.

S-Tube 04-15-2009
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RAM03 if I recall in my post I DID state I was happy to have a job so please try and refrain from the hostilities.

I do feel bad for everyone that has lost jobs as work here has not been stellar 15-20 hrs/wk and with the take over we are looking at maybe not being employed for much longer.

Secret Squirrell 04-15-2009
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Hay s-tube you realise you have a job, that 47m is you're bread and butter. You can take ither the high road or the low road and realise the Co. that once dominated you're area is no more. If I were you I would be greatfull I had food on the table and work my A?? Off and earn a better truck from a Co. new in the area.You just got one of the 10 in you're market its a little premature to judge so negatively so earley. Keep you're head up things will get better with the wright attitude. Good luck!!

oregonfan6285 04-15-2009
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ram whats your unit number on your 47?

TooTall 04-15-2009
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 Did you notice the post directly below this one???.....

 You could be driving a mixer instead of the not so flashy pump? Squeeky Squirell is right and when you think about how many pumps got moved in a pretty short period of time you cant complain?  

 Enjoy it! Going from a big boom to a smaller, older pump is like a vacation of sorts. Look at it as easier money? 

johnjohnjohn 04-15-2009
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why is everyone getting on s-tube? he's just making an observation. i've worked for that company, they have 10 million pumps. you can't expect them all to be clean. i can't wait for those punks to try to come back to houston and take over while my company hands them their asses! bring it!

Secret Squirrell 04-16-2009
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First thanks to big R (To Tall)for his keen insight. And know one is getting on s tube they are just pointing out you can't just post one sided remarks with out a honest rebut in contrary or at least another perspective from one that may now otherwise.

pudg 04-16-2009
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just to let you know if the big orange isnt were you wanna be I have a nice silver boom looking for a good dependable experienced operator in south louisiana,hurry its crawfish season only a couple of months left

S-Tube 04-16-2009
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As I said in the first post I made and the second post I made


I didn't come here to get bashed or start a war on the interweb I just made a comment on the shape of the machines that were delivered to our branch and all the sudden I am an idiot.

I put in over 10 yrs in with the other company and now it's gone. 

Again I feel bad for all the operators who have lost jobs and I AM HAPPY TO HAVE A JOB.

Nebuchadnezzar 04-16-2009
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Hey triple john, wake up bright eyes....they are in houston.  

Secret Squirrell 04-16-2009
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With all due respect you need to quit smoking preparation H they have been there for quite a while.

bri 04-16-2009
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20cell--who are you? You made me laugh---taking a big one out tomorrow--I really enjoyed running the 28z today and will really be happy running the big one in the am

Joe 04-17-2009
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You guys should be happy that was  a long dam drive to take them out there....

Todd 04-17-2009
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S-Tube your comment was kind of like telling your wife she looks fat. If you dont think your going to get fall out for doing that publicly then you have to be one hose short.

Elvis441 04-17-2009
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Oh brother...

I'm glad I retired from pumping 5 years ago.

lost duner 04-17-2009
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If that Orange Boom looks like @#%$ I can tell what BB yard it isn't from.