Hello from the UK
concretepumplad | 04-28-2014 | comment profile send pm notify |
Hello guys here's my putz 63.. not bad old tool :) I'm 24 years old been pumping since I was a kid :) |
ShortStik | 04-30-2014 | reply profile send pm notify |
welcome. nice looking pump |
Dipstick | 05-02-2014 | reply profile send pm notify |
Cool running a big boom isn't it |
localboy | 05-03-2014 | reply profile send pm notify |
Welcome uk lad, go careful with the big stick. I seen that pump nearly go over, pads sank a lot on fairly good ground, i was hose man for the day :) |
localboy | 05-03-2014 | reply profile send pm notify |
Think its the same pump |