mcratchet | 01-28-2019 | comment profile send pm notify | ||
ok so everybody does clean there pumps im sure (I hope) its a safety and maintenance benefit! My constant problem is getting the guys motivated to keep there pumps clean its also an image. Its just a constant struggle, anybody use some kind of program to keep the guys in check? any ideas i would really appreciate |
bisley57 | 01-28-2019 | reply profile send pm notify | ||
A real operator will keep his pump clean and maintained without someone telling them to do it. Hire some real operators That could be a problem since most operators who give a shit have been employed and will stay employed |
mcratchet | 01-29-2019 | reply profile send pm notify | ||
exactly thats the problem you cant find good experienced operators so they have to be trained and sometimes babysit them as well |
mcratchet | 02-12-2019 | reply profile send pm notify | ||
Maybe i'm the only with this problem |
mcratchet | 02-12-2019 | reply profile send pm notify | ||
mcratchet | 02-12-2019 | reply profile send pm notify | ||
02-18-2019 | reply profile send pm notify | ||
Hiring a part time "wash boy" that works afternoons & evenings for $14 an hour makes quite a difference. The wash boy often ends up being more of a helper because even lazier operators will often take over the wash brush when they see some kid messing with their pump smearing grease aground. Especially companies that pay less for "shop time" wrenching cleaning maint. etc. They seem to have more problems with their operators cleaning their machines. And are better off in the long run paying someone to keep their machines clean. Outfits that pay the same hourly wave to wash and wrench as pumping & driving. operators are much more likely to spend more time in the wash bay when they're paid their regular wage to clean & care for their iron. However, there's always the ones that abuse it and spend the 2 hours ($60) polishing their wheels etc. The outfits I've worked for that paid my full wage even when it was OT to clean & care for their equipment. I put a lot more effort into giving them what they paid for. |
TooTall | 02-18-2019 | reply profile send pm notify | ||
Providing the means and supplies to keep machines cleaner while their out pumping jobs makes a difference too. Having good hopper oil and sprayers to apply it with. Having a good wash brush on each pump, with a bottle of Windex and a stack of paper towels for whenever anyone needs them. Or even going as far as putting a good tarp and some A clamps on each pump for keeping em clean out on jobs. A lot of guys will put more effort into keeping em clean on the job so there's less to clean in the yard at the end of their day. |
mcratchet | 02-26-2019 | reply profile send pm notify | ||
Hey thanks tootall we pay our guys straight across the board no matter what there doing, even provide all necessary supplies to keep em clean were just constantly on them all the time to do it. Like little kids, maybe i will try to find a part time teen over the summer |