hillbilly swing
C&M 06-01-2009
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Got to love no laws......

Pump N00b 06-01-2009
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What the...?

pudg 06-01-2009
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I know where there is a man basket that attaches to the swivel 90 on the tip and was used to trim trees after the hurricanes , and was used one time to take aerial photos of some property,I have been in it kind of scary. 

kiwi 06-01-2009
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only in newzealand hey clive,

but a few people wish they could do that to chris waterhouse ha ha

Raymond 06-01-2009
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...looks like a hot dog about to be plopped onto the BBQ--

biged 06-01-2009
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That is dumb and with the power lines in the back ground,what if a switch stuck on rotating,  BBQ  big time.

TooTall 06-01-2009
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That's the safest place for a dipshit like that one, like a bird on a wire. I'd love to walk up and turn the key off and toss it in the hopper, then ask WTF is he gonna do now. PumpOFF!

 Hillbilly swing my ass! Even hill folks are smarter than that dude. That's more like a yayhoo carnival ride try'n to impress the producers of  the show called Jackass with SteveO & Knoxville? 

murf 06-01-2009
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time to fill the hopper with water .... pump on!

DIGGER 06-01-2009
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Well, looking at where that guy is placed back from the tip end of the last stage, I'd say they have taken the weight of a 5 inch drop hose, then gone to the engineering department. Let's see how heavy our "volunteer" is (elected by secret ballot) then we will place him in the exact spot.

Just make sure he has one of Todd's 17 ft stickers on his forehead.  

38zman 06-03-2009
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Maybe the guys wife was hoping to collect on the life policy

C&M 06-04-2009
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hi Zman....yes i wasn't going to had over the remote to the wife...lol. c&m