Hoover Dam bridge deck
oregonfan6285 04-24-2010
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This is a picture of my dads 52 meter putz. They are flying it by crane to the center of the bridge to place the concrete for the bridge deck. They are going to use a 14000 trailer pump and run 900 feet of system to the 52 meter. The 52 meter will only place the concrete on the deck. the 52 meter will have cables to tie it down to the bridge. My dad has poured most of the concrete for the bridge. I have also been on a few of the pours on this project. very cool job to be on.

oregonfan6285 04-24-2010
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oregonfan6285 04-24-2010
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Travelteck 04-24-2010
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Oregon fan, I got the privilege of helping fly the 52 out to the deck. The pump is sitting on its own outriggers, the only thing different from a normal set up is the tractor has been replaced with a concrete counter weight. There is no need to cable it to the deck. You are correct in feeling proud of your dad this is a very impressive job to be part of. I have enjoyed my small contribution completely.

Travelteck 04-24-2010
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Travelteck 04-24-2010
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Boom Inspector 04-24-2010
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Now that is a site you dont see often great pictures and what an awesome job site.

JDR47 04-24-2010
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That has got to be the coolest and kinda scary thing I have ever seen!!!!!!!!!

 Here is a dumb question is a power pack used to run the hydraulics?

Travelteck 04-24-2010
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The PM 52 has a stand alone power supply it has a Cummins horizontal engine that runs the pumps, I don't recall the HP right now but it will keep up with any pump. this unit is rated as a 16 Cell 210 YPH, power is not an issue. the tractor is transportation to and from the site and counterweight. The 70M is the same style.

Travelteck 04-24-2010
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You can see the bottom of the engine compartment just in front of the axle's

JDR47 04-24-2010
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Thanks Traveltek.

I learn something new everyday.

mtnpumper 04-24-2010
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Thats is cool///

northwest63 04-24-2010
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COOL PIC.how's the wind on the bridge?

Travelteck 04-24-2010
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last week it was anywhere from dead calm to 45+ Several days the transfer of the 52 was canceled due to wind. Truckers and motor homes are going to love it. Hang on Ma......

Matthew 04-25-2010
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that is awesome.  I'm curious, do who have to pour from the middle out for weight distrabution?  I don't know anything about bridge decks.  Was just wondering why middle out, instead of one end to the other?  That is definetely a rare sight for sure.  Very very cool!!!

Travelteck 04-25-2010
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You are correct about the loading of the deck, the site Eng's want to load this deck from the middle out so they will pour them alternating sides.

onebigdog2 06-25-2010
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Ive RAN THAT PUMP,WHO runs it now?