How about these rocks
pink panther 05-22-2011
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This is only the ones that stuck on the grate. At least 100 rocks went through the boom with no plugs at all.

pink panther 05-22-2011
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pink panther 05-22-2011
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pink panther 05-22-2011
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pink panther 05-22-2011
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The last 3 pics are of a different job with no big rocks.

pink panther 05-22-2011
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northwest63 05-22-2011
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Cool pic's-your a lucky one (the rock's)

Dipstick 05-22-2011
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the biggest rock ive ever seen coming out of the hose was the size of a big shoe. I still have to laugh inside when I remember the reaction of the hoseman... Just 'splettt' and there it was :-O

pumper chuck 05-23-2011
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nice shop.

barron 05-24-2011
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you mean you dont find those in 4-3 reducer? thats where i like to find them, mixer fins too, just to spice it up

crete 05-24-2011
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Very nice shop do you know how tall those doors and the ceiling is? T

pink panther 05-25-2011
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I believe the doors are 16 foot openings. Doors on bothe sides to drive thru 3 of the bays. I can unfold the 39 inside but not sure how high the roof is. As far as the question about rocks in the reducer......WHAT REDUCER? Straight 5" hose. Like I said, the pic with rocks was not the deck pour, it was a different jobsite.

SUPERDOFFER 06-03-2011
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That’s the benefit of 5" tip hose what goes in the deck pipe come out of the hose, as long it is round other wise it may be get stuck in your turret lol.

Dipstick 06-04-2011
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Of course 5'' endhose.. What else??  ;-)

Dipstick 06-04-2011
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Just once I let myself be seduced to take a smaler endhose due to the small window we had to go in to. Reallllÿ nice when you get a plug in the first reducer and your whole last 2 sections empty themselves on a place where you didn't need crete. Great idea!!