pudg | 04-09-2009 | comment profile send pm notify |
pumping the other day thru the boom and about 400' of 4" line, finisher want name any names but one that has there own pumps wants me to pump faster, now Im pumping as fast as possible without racking the rebar mat to much, on about 4 on a 20 cell putz, pretty fast thru that much line, and we argue that this is as fast as it will pump safely when he reaches down turns my volume control up to 6 in 2 strokes 400 ft of line off its blocks laying on the matt, question is What would you have done ? I'll say it took everything and I meen everything I had not to knock a few teeth loose but what would you have done thats the question be truthful. |
Elvis441 | 04-09-2009 | reply profile send pm notify |
Stop the pour until it is made CLEAR who operates the pump and who is in charge of it! |
Mr wibau | 04-09-2009 | reply profile send pm notify |
use a y piece, cuts back kick and pressure. also can you use more 5 inch pipe. |
ruck | 04-09-2009 | reply profile send pm notify |
Pudg, Boy,You done better then me. I think that guy went to far by touching your pump.I think I would have made him look like a upside down turtle.NO one should touch your machine.I do agree though,Shut the pump off until everythung is under control.Good luck Ruck |
G-man | 04-09-2009 | reply profile send pm notify |
pudg I'm with ruck, without a doubt you displayed more patience and maturity than I would have, I've shut the pump off when I see a convention at the ass end of the pump by the reducers, or when some jackass ( usually a temp ) standing on the steps ( deck pipe side ) staring at the job, somebody screws with the remote ( especially the volume or on off, ) there is going to be a get together with Jesus meeting !!!!!!!!!!!! steve tristatepumping@gmail.com |
eugene | 04-09-2009 | reply profile send pm notify |
iam with elvis, finishers are not desision makers. i do have a paper writen up as guidlines for service. he did create conflict during operation. |
pudg | 04-09-2009 | reply profile send pm notify |
ok this is what I did, I refrained from doing what I would do away from work if someone did something like that to my boat, car etc I told him if he ever touched my remote again he would lose his hand and if I wasnt pumping to his specification or standards I would fold it up and go home, safety is my #1 priority for those who know 20 cells 4 on the volume control is between 140 -160 per hour this is rockin thru 400' of 4",needless to say we finished the pour and 4 more just like it without anymore issues. |
Many | 04-09-2009 | reply profile send pm notify |
WOW,that's a tough call.I can only say some 25 years ago I chased the owner of a flatwork company off the second story deck with a 2x4. I now know more restraint is needed,but I scored a 9.9 from his crew. Just the truth |
Drew AUS | 04-09-2009 | reply profile send pm notify |
I had a guy doing the same thing about five years ago, he tried once i turned away and warned him , he thought i was joking.. WRONG Came back for second time i grabbed his fingers twisted them till they were cracking , hes facial expression said it all , he didnt come back ! |
Snarf | 04-09-2009 | reply profile send pm notify |
That guy should have been kicked off the job. |
DaddyO | 04-09-2009 | reply profile send pm notify |
someone would have had some broken fingers! |
bisley57 | 04-09-2009 | reply profile send pm notify |
Hire him,aren't you looking for operators? |
TooTall | 04-09-2009 | reply profile send pm notify |
I would've went for the E stop so fast that in the process my forehead would have bumped into his nose. (on accident of course) You done good pudg, have you been goin to anger management or something? |
bisley57 | 04-10-2009 | reply profile send pm notify |
I am very surprised at all these replies about reacting in a physically threatening manner,why?So when training a young fellow on a pump if someone on a job acts silly,breaking his fingers is the way to go? |
Vasa | 04-10-2009 | reply profile send pm notify |
I had called My boss and told him what happends and one more time I had gone home , and the system is the customers responsability , if they dont clean it they have to pay for new....But the worker who did it had to go home that day atleast . I put the volym to a speed I think is enough to work with but it is some more to use before it get dangerous.... But I never go over that volym , and if its about safety I have the company on My side ! But if some one had turn My volymcontrol , I dont know what I had done... Bite My tounge and My bloodpressure had gone up to a danger level..... On a bad day maybe a couple of 230grain .45 bullet had made him to dance ! ;-) |
bri | 04-10-2009 | reply profile send pm notify |
call osha on his butt, he is tampering with the saftey of others on the job site or contact his supervisor. No one will ever touch my box. I operate the machine not the finishers. You and you alone are responsible foe this machine. |
peterpump | 04-11-2009 | reply profile send pm notify |
pudg what did the boss have to say about that? When i first got into pumping working a line pump had to park tow vehicle 50' away from pump,we stoped to brake down hose i asked if we would stoped for a minute, slab boss said yah. I told him i would be right back just gonna hump a piece of hose over to the truck. Slab boss says sure thats good. SO when i return no more than 3 minutes later my pump is running,I shut down pump ask mixer drive who the hell turned this on,he says that guy right there he comes over says come on keep pumping.I said who the hell do you think you are touching my pump he says what ever call my office they call slab boss trying to tell him in a nice and tacktfull way how dangerous that was for him to do that slab boss says yah w2hat ever then hangs up on my boss/owner,He calls me says pack it up bring it home my brother will be there in like 3 minutes to help you,told mixer to pull away help arives job done for us ,lots of wheel barrels for them.That was the best day i ever had pumping.
pumpboss28 | 04-11-2009 | reply profile send pm notify |
i absolutely agree with ruck nobody touches my machine or my remote its where its at for a damn reason. the operator is liable for any injuries that your machine cause not that finisher .
pudg | 04-14-2009 | reply profile send pm notify |
bisley57, in my opinion yes break some fingers, a nose, jaw, leg, something, hell or would you just hand him the remote and what he learns no lesson,sometimes the hardest lesson learned is the one that causes the most pain so maybe just grab the 3 lb maw and smash a finger , my point he deserved more than what I was able to give him , sometimes a little ass whoopin is necessary. There is a line and he crossed it, glad I have matured to the point where I didn't cross it on the job,5-6 years ago my hands would've been hurtin and no telling what else. |