How long for delivery?
ConcreteJeff 05-24-2014
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I've often wondered how long it takes Putzmeister or Schwing to deliver a pump from the time it is ordered, does anyone happen to know? Also, once a pump enters production how long does it take it to get paint and customer ready?

ahssci 05-25-2014
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Ordered a new one from Schwing about 2 weeks ago and should be in around august or September.

Generation 3 Pumper 05-25-2014
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It depends a lot on how many of the same models are on order ahead of your order, how busy the manufacturer is with other orders for different models, and I would also assume that how many times they have produced that model or if it is a new model would have some influence on production time.

Farmboy72 05-26-2014
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Just curious, ahssci, what size schwing did you order?

ahssci 05-27-2014
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20m to take place of a line pump that I traded in.