How many sets of scales do they own
thinksnow 02-25-2012
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seems like every county has their own scales  .   DOT has scales on every main route and inspections we are in ohio and permits are 200.00 a round trip  whats it like in others?

Boomerz 02-25-2012
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Alberta to BC $100 day permit plus fuel permit varies from $20-$100 plus depending on where you go.  If you go often you can get a quaterly for $300 plus fuel every time.  not much different then what your being charged.

thinksnow 02-25-2012
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right now im up to 4 overweights in 3 yrs  you cant route all jobs on one permit.

biged 02-25-2012
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I guess I'm lucky cause there are none near me plus I'm just line pumping now know more boom thank GOD.

pumpjockey 02-25-2012
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Can't you gat an annual overweight permit for 'mounted equipment'  In Saskatchewan, I called the Department of Transport for the forms, I had to measure the demensions between the stearing axles and the drive axles and the inter axle spacing, the tire sizes and the weights of each axle group on a certified scale sent it in and had a permit issued within 3 days.  For my 36 meter (29000 kg gross), the cost was $360/year and for the 42 meter (36000kg gross weight) it was $600.

But maybe you can't, I bought my 36 out of Auburn, (Sacramento) California, and he had permits for each county and city in the area he serviced.

I had to go to 12.00 rubber on the back end of my 36 to get it under the weight per inch width limit for the over weight permit conditions.  The front tires were 445's.