I rejoined the ACPA today. Feels good to be a member of the Concrete Pumping Association
Todd 09-07-2011
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Yes it feels good, nice to be a member of the American Concrete Pumping Association. Now is a good time to become a member and help drive the direction of the ACPA.

The ACPA is a good bunch of guys and under the leadership of Carl Walker I am very excited to become a member and see our industry move forward.



Boom Inspector 09-07-2011
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congrats Todd, Ive been considering this step for my company also. good job at putting your money where your mouth is.

Todd 09-07-2011
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Join, tell them Todd sent you

Boom Inspector 09-07-2011
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If I told them that , they would assume I sent myself Laughing

big lance 09-08-2011
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todd now you have to join BBU.

Todd 09-09-2011
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whats the BBU