I want back In part 2
B.J. 05-03-2012
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Sorry. Evadently I cant post from my cell phone (except for the Topic Titl). but what I was going to say is. I was forced to get out of the business almost 2 years ago due ti the economy. I was working for a company that well lets just say didnt manage finances verry well(and im not going to get into bashing) but i am really getting the fever to start pumping agin. i ran the company for a long time and i am wanting to start my own company and i was \wanting some input. how is the industry doing now. would it sustain a new company right now or wld it be a sure failure.

Dont need one 05-03-2012
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 Good luck and it depends what part of the country and how much money you have to work with.

tinco 05-03-2012
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ZOOMLION CONCRETE MACHINERY Could provide with finance support .

180 flyer 05-04-2012
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You can make a small fortune in concrete pumping. Just start with a large fortune. Cry

Pumpman_79 05-12-2012
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Hi BJ   I  think you should go with your gut feeling! I also think you should never let any-one tell you what you can"t do!The market in Va. is in fair shape. Also you know all the ready-mix people. I know you can do it. how well you do will depend on what kind of service you povide.Keep one price always do a safe and good job.Never take more then what you can do.Pay your taxes.  LIVE YOUR DREAM  DON"T DREAM TO LIVE you should make a good living. remember BJ  in this Industry you have to spend a little to make a little. I hope I was not part of you being forced to get out of the business If I can help you let me know. May God bless you in your dreams  Competition is sustainable! Some on this board may not agree.They have that right. We exp. oparators are on this site to HELP YOUNG UP COMING PUMPERS.NOT TO DISCOURAGE THEM

ALMIMA 05-14-2012
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I agree "Pumpman 79". Most important, do not listen to people who don´t run a company - they will impose you that it´s impossible to run a company, because they are self too coward to take that step.

If you wait "for the right time" to start your company - then you have to wait long time. It´s allways "not right time" to start a company every year since Jesus was born. If you really want to do it, then do it. You have not so much to loose, more than many hours of hard work - but that is how this business is anyway.