Todd | 03-01-2012 | comment profile send pm notify |
We all heard of the A&B Concrete Pumping Concord boom pump than went down a week or so ago. I would just like to thank both A&B Concrete Pumping and Concord for taking the time to share all the info with everyone. At this point A&B Concrete Pumping will be working with Concord to figure out why the boom went down, until more information is available it is not good to speculate as to what happen. Both Concord and A&B Concrete Pumping have been great. Stay tuned for more to come. P.S. I took down all the photos and speculation that was posted. We are all happy nobody got hurt.
concreteluvr | 03-01-2012 | reply profile send pm notify |
At least they are willing to talk and share. This is how issues get solved. Wish them both luck in finding the problem and especially the resolve. |
|| | 03-03-2012 | reply profile send pm notify |
sorry todd, I missed it...what all information did they share? in fairness to all the companies whose overturned pumps have been prominently displayed here in the past, why did pics get removed? a pic is worth a thousand words...just my two cents...not being hateful. |
Todd | 03-03-2012 | reply profile send pm notify |
If the pump company or manufacture ask me to take them down I normally do. If their is a news story with pump pictures on the net I normally leave them up. Yes a boom went down? why it went down nobody knows at this point. When we have a report and know what happen then we will post it. Good thing is nobody got hurt. |