Many 09-10-2012
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So much for the no point rule,what the heck,nice ink though

Tom @ Irving Eqt 09-10-2012
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Be a shame to mangle those expensive tatts dude

Todd 09-10-2012
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I redid his video just a bit, this is a guy who did about the same thing and well you see....

Todd 09-11-2012
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 I woke up having a dreaming I was at the doctors, my leg was all messed up, I was very stressed out when I told my wife she said it was because of the video I worked on last night and she was right.

Todd 09-11-2012
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what happen to the post?

Boom Inspector 09-12-2012
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This was an exceptional safety service video you did for the industry Todd. 

Thank you for taking the time from your busy schedule to remake this video. A running agitator is no laughing matter when cleaning out.