If your in Dallas Texas I would like to stop by and see your company
Todd 10-19-2011
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We just got all moved in and I am looking forward to visiting all the pump companies. I already stopped in and saw Central Concrete Pumping. Very nice. Please give me a call and let me know if I can come by and see you guys.

(817) 394-4745

biged 10-19-2011
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Todd have you moved out of Calif.

Todd 10-19-2011
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Yep. We now live in Plano Texas

biged 10-19-2011
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Thats a lot different than Calif,but this years drought has been bad all over Texas but you can relate to that from living in Ca.

Many 10-19-2011
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Now instead of worring about the ground shaking it's twisters

JDR47 10-20-2011
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Well Many looks like Todd brought the quakes with him. This morning an earthquake happened outside of San Antonio. It was 4.6 I'm sure that's nothing to most, but here it is the News Headline.

Todd make your way to Austin there is 4 members at BBCP

Todd 10-20-2011
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We brought the rain and cool weather also. BBCP only has 4 members? how sad. I must not be doing my job right. Well now that I moved to Texas I will work hard to change that.

Oh and sorry about the earth quake.

Todd 10-21-2011
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Very cool, Met my second concrete pumping company today, Muddy Feet Concrete Pumping, Jeff Tucker owner operator. Very nice guy. Heck yea, I love Texas. Here is a owner operator self taught never worked for a pump company and is now making a living pumping concrete. Ok he is a fireman also so he has had some hose experience but still that is impressive.

Funny story, my brother Mike pumped concrete for me for a couple weeks before he quit and became a fireman. One day while training the fire hose kinked and my brother runs over unkinks the hose as if all hell was going to brake lose. Everyone laughed at him and told him you can kink a fire hose.

Well I would really like to thank Jeff for being so nice and for the invite.



ROOK 10-21-2011
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Todd nice to see you finally moved to America and out of that comunist country of CaliforniaLaughing

Boom Inspector 10-21-2011
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Glad you are settiling into your new palace and meeting the neighbors, nice video too.

Muddyfeet 10-21-2011
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  It was great to finally meet you Todd! When you get that warm and fuzzy feeling about running a line pump again (LOL), give me a call I can always find a spot for you. Im glad you had a chance to see some of the lovely rock we get to put through our system. At least now you can vouch for why we use 3" and 4" system here in Texas.

Seed 10-21-2011
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So Todd what brought you to Texas?

Todd 10-21-2011
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Well seed, my wife got a good job offer out here and she always wanted to live out here, she loves the heat. I can do my job anywhere so it works for me. I also started to really hate california.

pink panther 10-21-2011
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Todd, what JDR47 meant was that in the Austin branch for BBCP there are 4 people that are members on the site.

biged 10-21-2011
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I don't see where there's room for the mud with all the help standing around, and as far as the 3 and 4 inch hose you can have it, I got the best pumping mud anywhere  in the States.

Seed 10-21-2011
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To new beginnings! Best of luck to you and your family!

Todd 10-22-2011
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Thanks guys