Invoice Layout & Terms
bdubpumps 11-05-2015
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Would anyone mind sharing their invoice with me?  I'm getting in to the business and would love to see examples of an invoice including terms/liability clauses.  Thank you!

BigJPlacement 11-06-2015
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I'd work with your G/L provider regarding the terms / clauses statutes vary state to state. 

In general with invoices you want to have a two signature job ticket; the first binding the terms and conditions on the back because if something does go wrong, it is very difficult to get them to sign after the fact. The second signature more or less confirming the statements made on the invoice, hour you arrived, start, finish time and any comments that are relevant such as concrete ran late. 

Limiting your liability so that backcharges cannot exceed your pump bill for the day is always wise. 

Lastly, be sure to research lien laws for your state. The easiest way to become an unwilling volunteer on a jobsite is to allow your enforceable lien rights to become unenforcable through failing to follow statutory procedure. 

Todd 11-06-2015
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The industry standard, the most used Job ticket and invoices are found within the software of Pump Magic.

Terms and conditions are different state to state, each customer is responsible for their terms.

The first Job ticket the terms and conditions go on the back.

The Second Job ticket would have the terms and conditions at the bottom.