ALMIMA | 01-05-2012 | comment profile send pm notify |
As the wife works as a daytime-nurse (8 hours a day) - jab needle in people every day. She´s very involved in my pumpcompany. Every day (pretty often) after her workday, she drive home and conect our trailer to her car then wearing pumpingclothes, she loads and loss 2-inch hoses from constuctionplaces to another - i give her all information of hoselength and adresses. meantime she has newbrewed coffe and buns to me and my pumpers - if some of us are pumping in the area. She also collect filter and oils, and order every hose or sparepart to the pumps, and collect the box/pallet at the postoffice - she´s very involved to make my company to go on...(but she don´t do it for no far away, alots of handbags, expensive clothes and fancy shoes) But she do it whithout nagging (!) and her job is worth alot for me and my guys. But she just see it as done for us and the company - she´s not impressed if i have a 14 hourspouring 185 m 2-inch-hose pumpjob 14 levels up in a building (the hydraulicpump screem for help every stroke) in the centre of Stockholm, placed on a clean pavement - she don´t uderstand all the problems or stress to complete those jobs - and she don´t realy care. She´s not impressed of a big 4-axle mixertruck or any trucks at all. Maybe she was a little impressed when i show her my friends Putz 46 (Volvochassie) when full boom out, pumping with 5 loaded mixertrucks waiting in the hurdle.... But if i start talking concretepumping or specific pumpable concreterecipe , to her (happends....pretty often...), she allways say: my ears are full of concreteshit. So, is it only my wife who don´t care or want to hear anything about concretepumping or mixertrucks? |
biged | 01-05-2012 | reply profile send pm notify |
Its called woman's rule's just ask her they can change at anytime and we are always wrong ask her. |
Trey | 01-05-2012 | reply profile send pm notify |
My girls eye's glaze over when I start talking about it too. |
Dipstick | 01-06-2012 | reply profile send pm notify |
Be honest.. Ok. Its a hard job some days being a pumper. But there are much worse jobs that I could never do. Giving birth to a baby. I'd rather be out pumping 16 hours a day for 3 year in a row than having to do that. After I've seen my wife give birth I have huge respect for her. My neece is a nurse at a home for retarded people (sorry I don't know if thats the right way to say it in english) She has one patient that doesn't have an anus any more. Instead he has a hemoride the size of a tennisball.. 3 times a day she has to 'empty' him and wash away all the shit and put cream on the hemoride... Now thats a tough job!! Makes pumping concrete like a sunny day on the beach... My dad is a policeman. He has the most horrible storys about him comming to fatal accidents where people are stuck in there car with their scull blown away or body parts all over the place. I think we can go on for a while.. Its a challange to pump concrete but its not that bad is it |
Todd | 01-06-2012 | reply profile send pm notify |
Well If your like us Americans than maybe your second wife will like concrete pumps. |
mile mark 96 | 01-06-2012 | reply profile send pm notify |
Right on Dipstick how 'bout pushing 1000 ft. of tow up the river. |
b-alto | 01-06-2012 | reply profile send pm notify |
Sounds like a good wife, mine has never even rode in my pump truck, let alone help with the line pump. |
Granddad | 01-07-2012 | reply profile send pm notify |
My wife has always alowed me to vent everyday, she has also learned how to speak pumper language. and if possible brings coffee and donuts to any job close to home or her work. No other girl in th world for me!! |
Granddad | 01-07-2012 | reply profile send pm notify |
Did anyone else laugh at that roid story. Being mentlally challenged is a sad thing and I admire the people that have the personality and patience to work with them everyday. But a tennisball !! Seriously thats some major league Preparation H. Let that sucker go for a couple of days without cream and it would be the size of a sputnik satellite. The poor guy must have a roid ring the size of a John Deere tractor tire and I don.t mean the garden series. Dipstick , shake your neices hand for me because you are correct I wouldn,t get within 30ft of that. |
Dipstick | 01-07-2012 | reply profile send pm notify |
Haha.. You get it I always tell her she's a hero |
ALMIMA | 01-07-2012 | reply profile send pm notify |
Todd, even in Sweden is divorce "the same old story" for pumpers - even though the big income. It all depends on all the the workinghours a day, or week. Women in Sweden wants her husband to work maximum 8 hours a day - and on top of that, has a big income... My wife is from her early age upbringinged to do what has to be done for the family - the family comes first for her. It doesn´t matter if i had run a carpetercompany, she had supported me as well. But if i had worked in an office wearing suit and tie, then i haven´t bin her husband - she hate that sort of men, she call them gaymen. She like hardworking men with a dirty job (as her father - reinforcingbar-worker) and she even like the process of running a company. But she´s not interested in machines or tachnical terms - and that means: pumpcapacity and pumpable concrete in hosesize and hose length etc. As long as i shut up and talk about concretepumping - she likes to do what she does in my company. I´ve learned her to pump concrete - she knows how to pump concrete, but she realy hate it and the concretefilled hoses are too heavy for her - that´s why she don´t do it. I just wish that she see a concretepump as more than a thing that makes her to wear expencive clothes and fancy shoes... |
mile mark 96 | 01-07-2012 | reply profile send pm notify |
high income? |
ALMIMA | 01-07-2012 | reply profile send pm notify |
Are you joking, or do you want to make a joke on me? In Sweden has a pumper very high income! A nurse has a very low income - as my wife. A pumper earns about 28.000 - 32.000 Swedish crowns a mounth - it means in Euro about: 3000,46 -3429,1. And 50%+ after 8 hour work. And over that - 5 weeks fullpayed holiday + 10 other jesus or gooddays whith full payment a year. Full payment from the first "sickday" (that means snore in the nose or an hangover). The employer who are stucked with a contract to his costumer has to solve that problem...give a time to think how it is to be an employer.... This income is what a pumper earns in the Stockholm-area, pumpers in the rest of Sweden don´t earn that much. I give my pumpers a little more than that, so they don´t go to an competitor just for more payment - and they know that. |
seedless | 01-08-2012 | reply profile send pm notify |
And here a fully trainned nurse, can make as much as you and your wife if she puts in the hrs. Nursing in Canada can be an amazing job. Funny how different countries are. |
ALMIMA | 01-13-2012 | reply profile send pm notify |
Seedles, so you mean that a nurse in Canada, that have more than 20 years experience of emergencycare and dayli have stabbed patients that needs from 15 to more than 100 stitch -(that´s my wifes workingday), earns more than a garbagecollector??? A specialised and competent emergecynurse in Sweden earns just above a cleaninglady and way under what the garbagecollector earns - i know it, my wife know it and we don´t like our Swedish method. But my pumpcompany don´t earn that much income, so she still has to earn that cheapmoney. Serious, she don´t has to work, no problem to afford it! But she likes her job and it makes her to feel like a real worker in her way.....Sorry that she don´t like loudness machines that pump concrete.... |
seedless | 01-15-2012 | reply profile send pm notify |
My cousin and a few others are full time RN's here and do better than me by far. They can work extra days, thats like us getting triple time, if willing they can make as much as a doctor is not more. Health care here is so so, probably nothing like swedan for the public, but for the worker here it's all about make more money spend more money and taxes, the more you make the more they take. |
seedless | 01-15-2012 | reply profile send pm notify |
Starting as a full time here she should make 60,000 euro I did the math. No reason a hard worker looking for extra work couldn't make 80,000 euro. Take the lower number as a reference though. We have reports that new to the country doctors and specialists have to go back to school to get into our system, really unfair as we are in need of these people, our system is like a country club, you have to be a member LOL. Nursing is one great profession here, new nurses take a 4 year course and work in hospitals from cheap to very good wages, it takes time and very strict Unions. Health care gets gvt cut backs but nurses are working steady. It's not all honey and cream, there are hoops they have to jump through. |
seedless | 01-15-2012 | reply profile send pm notify |
Again, this area was reported the most expensive place in the world to live, not sure if that has the same statis as when I heard that report, but it is a tough place to get ahead. |
ALMIMA | 01-20-2012 | reply profile send pm notify |
We have a very good income because of i´m in the pumpbusiness - my wifes income, as a very competente emergency-nurse is a joke!!! - And all citizens in Sweden knows how bad our nurses income is, and "we" accept it too. An 16-years pimply MC-Donaldworker earns more! Thats the truth. Thats the Swedish way..... Sometimes i reflect to move to Canada, not because of the nurse-payment - or the pumpoperatorpayment, as i understand is very low (i don´t understand how it´s possible). I just sometimes want to leave all the strain for run a pumpcompany and also pump every dirtyjob (i do the pumpjob my employees don´t want), and just leave it all and move to Canada and live like a cageman in the huge Canada-wood and just have my dayincome in hunting and fishing....I realy feels better when i have theese thoughts. I´m not sad, it´s just a boydream i have. |