junjin pumps
kiwi 03-09-2011
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any body use  junjin pumps are they more a copy of putz

and are they reliable  dont no any thing about them

Joemal 03-09-2011
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Have a look at Meales site ....www.meales.com.au   They run quiet a few .No real problems with them they run well and yes they are a cheaper copy of the Putz but that doesn't mean they are no good .

nzpump 03-10-2011
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Allan. They are sold as Flowcrete in Australia, Alliance in North America and the early Concords used to be JunJin, even the some of the Samsungs used to be JunJin's. Not a bad pump.

Trey 03-10-2011
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I hear they are good on flat land, but if you have to set them up on hills and stuff, it's a pain in the ass. That is just what I heard, when we were going to buy a brand new one a couple years back.

kiwi 03-10-2011
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have heard that they we close to going under if not already, but as putz spares should fit should be okay, have chance of buying one but theres some bits missing so will have a look then make my offer thanks guys

Dipstick 03-10-2011
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All I know is you should not underestamate the difference in service when you buy an ''off'' brand. I don't know anything about junjin but I do know that some cheaper brands (I won't say names) have a whole other level in service than putz, schwing and some more of the biggest brands..

Thats all I can say.. Sorry.. Not alowed to say more... But don't say I didn't warn you.. Maybe you pay 30% more for a schwing or putz or CIFA etc. but you'll earn it back over the years and safe yourself for a lot of frustrations and imbaresment.. Or worse...

nzpump 03-10-2011
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As far as I know JunJin is a very stable company and not in danger of going under. I dont know where you got this gossip from.

kiwi 03-11-2011
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got that from insurance company, they definitely said the company that makes them and not where pump came from

like i say i know nothing about them some hopefully they are wrong

nzpump 03-11-2011
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I speak to guys in the concrete pump manufacturing and parts supply sectors in Korea almost on a daily basis but nothing like that has even been mentioned to me. Next time I speak to one of them I will ask the question.

PUMBO 03-11-2011
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They are ok pumps for what they are worth, but experience tells us that there is no such thing as a Putzmeister copy, because all the other imitators lack the service, public relations, innovation and (most importantly)history of the Putzmeister brand.

The bad thing with your case unfortunately is that NZ as well as Australia have had limited exposure of this philosophy. At a time of a global economic meltdown, the germans were more interested in investing time and money in breaking records, than they were in selling their brands to rapidly booming regions.

Maddog 03-12-2011
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I read with great interest on your comments about junjin pumps, our first 36m boom had putzmeister pistons in it, it was a junjin we had for 12 years, we've sold it and we still currently have 7 junjin pumps all work very successfully with little or no downtime.

Junjin made pumps for putzmeister many years ago, my boss visited the factory in Korea to verify this.

Keep on pumping

Dingo 03-15-2011
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must agree with dipstick if you want quality buy german .You cant compare junjin to putzi.