Bob | 02-22-2008 | comment profile send pm notify |
It is probably against the law; unless you, as a hungry \"want to be\'\" employee signed away your rights under the law. |
OldSchool2 | 02-22-2008 | reply profile send pm notify |
money can only be deducted from your check if you sign a release in your employment packet. i know because i did it once many years ago. the labor relations board called me and made me give him his last check no deduction. |
Bob | 02-22-2008 | reply profile send pm notify |
I have first hand knowledge of the folks that you work for; that will never happen there, you are safe. ;~) |
bigstick | 02-23-2008 | reply profile send pm notify |
currently in the same situation, has been over a year with hot shot attorney so far squatt. heard through the grapevine manager who stole my and six other guys money is soon to be no more. would gladly give up money to see guttless @##@!&^% (thats #Edit# ,CP.Com-Admin |